Chapter 31

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"Come on let's dance Maria." Vic says as he begins dragging me. We began dancing and everyone seems like their having fun even me and I'm not a very school party type of person.

Around 11:30 the principle got up in the stage and began to talk, "please calm down student." Everyone got quite," So tonight it may have been your last prom you're ever go to and your graduation is right around the corner, I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your road down high school and prom. Now the venue is closing down, sorry to cut the party off, drive safe everyone, see you all at school on Monday." Many people booed but began walking out.

"Now what?" I ask Vic as we get in the car.
"Well first of all dose your cut hurt?"
"No why."
"Okay then were going to the beach just to enjoy the rest of the night." He said then gave me a smirk.

When we got to the beach Vic handed me a sweater of his that he had in the backseat and we went to go sit down on the sand. "I can't believe all this, all we've been through, now in a couple of days your going to be gone."

"I know we have never been apart for more then 2 weeks. Now we have to be apart for about a year and a half."

"We could call each other and text."

"Yea but it won't be the same." I say sadly. "Whatever we need to make this moment count." I stand up and I walk into the water and where my stitches are it starts to burn because of the salt water.

"Dude get out your going to get your cut infected." Vic said worried and came to getting me out of the water.


Till around 12:30 we were at the beach. "Hey there's a hotel 2 blocks from here we could walk over there and just leave tomorrow morning." I agreed and we began walk to the hotel. The whole way Vic had his arm around me, the bottom half of my dress was soaked in water and Vic's pants were too.

Once he got the hotel room we went to the room and sat on the bed.
"You look amazing darling." I blush once he says that. "I never really thought how much you truly mean to me and how much I need you in my life till I almost lost you when your mom took you away from me, I know I can't live with out you it's our destiny to-"

I cut him off "don't thing about that right now." I leaned towards him and kissed him I couldn't help myself no more I wanted Vic I wanted to be with him, even if it was for the last time. He got on top of me and I began to unbutton his shirt. He took off his shirt and looked at me, "are you sure darling?" He questioned me. I nodded my head. He kissed me once again and those sparks I feel begin once again.

~~~~the next morning~~~~
I woke up and checked the time noon, "fuck" I mumble. I try to unwrap Vic's arms from around me with out waking him but I did not succeed.

"What's wrong babe?" Vic said with his eyes closed.

"Vic it's noon we need to leave. I'm all sweaty and my dress is all ewe." I say trying to get up but he wouldn't let me go.

"Take a shower I knew we would end up going to the beach and get in the water I brought clothes. Like the ones you leave at my house." He said while sitting up and finally letting me go. I love how he actually comes prepared. "Go take a shower and ill bring the clothes up."

"I don't trust you I need to go with you to get them."

"Okay then darling get dressed and come with me" he stood up, he was only wearing his boxers, and began grabbing his clothes from the ground.

"Umm Vic can you umm grab my bra and-" I was cut off when he threw them at me. "Thanks." I put them on and grabbed my dress which was hanging on the lamp. When we finished we went to grab the extra clothes he brought.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now