Chapter 26

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"Stop poking me Jaime." I tell Jaime who's been poking me for the last 30 minutes. "But I'm dying of boredom Maria!" Jaime over reacts .
"Is it my fault the plane is going to be an hour late?" I reply.

"Just leave her alone Jaime.." Vic says kinda annoyed.
"Come on Jaime, guys lets go just walk around the airport." Miranda says.

"I'll stay." Me and Vic say at the same time. They all left and Vic was writing something down in his leather book thing. "Whatcha doing?" I ask him, while getting closer to him.

"I'm writing a new song but I'm kinda stuck."

"Maybe I could help," he nodded, "ok read it to me." I say nicely.
He looked at the notebook and read/singed, "Please keep chasing me,you Southern constellations got me so dizzy.It's cold but you pretend that you are warm with me." He looks up at me "and that's all I got." He says with a smile at the end.

I start to think, "ummm how about, Before I get you home you're nearly frozen." I say/sing looking straight into his eyes.

With out breaking our eye contact he said "but I'll never let you freeze without me. Oh, no."

"That's perfect you should write it down." I say giggling at the end. He quickly wrote it down and got his guitar and start to play it and sang what we just put together. "That fits perfectly." I say once he finishes. He thanked me. "Vic what do you have there?" I ask looking at his wrist.

He tried hiding it," nothing my bracelets." I tried getting his hand but I fail , "Vic let me see." I get him by his arm and take him to a place with less people. I push him against the wall, "kiss me", I demand him. "What the fuck?" He said confused.

"Kiss me Vic" I get on my tipi toes a little to be able to reach his lips. When our noses are touching he start to lean in, his lips touch mine and it was an unexplainable kiss, I feel his arms warp around me and I sadly break the kiss. I smile and get his left arm, he looked confused and then realized what I did, he tried take his arm away but now it was no use.

I move his bracelets and I see his wrist cuts scars, "why?" I ask him.
"I can't explain. I'm sorry." I hugged Vic. "Don't be sorry, I guess me and you aren't different. I know, I still don't have all of our memories back but from what I know I love you so fucking much and with out you there would be no me. I know you wouldn't like if I did that again and I don't like you doing that baby." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we went back to the place were we wait for the plane.

Once the air plane was all good we got on and Vic got the window seat me in the middle and Mike got the seat next to me. 30 minutes into the flight Mike fell asleep, "Maria, I thought I would lose you forever, I thought I wasn't good enough for you that's why I did it. In my mind I would always say I could have done something better for you, I could have not left you with that stupid guy, not let you take that stupid fucking pill. All these shit wouldn't have happened, you would have had your memory."

"Vic everything happens for a reason... Have you harmed yourself before?" He nodded his head.
"Yeah but I stopped I was getting bullied my freshmen year, you found out and I notice I wasn't just harming myself because Mike looked up to me."

"Vic you will always have me no mater what, I'll wake up at 2 in the morning if you ever feel like harming." I say to Vic, I don't ever want him to cut.

"The same goes to you too." I nodded my head and I placed my head on his chest. I was kinda dozing off when I heard Vic say, "I love you more then you could ever know."


I walk up to the house door finally back home. "Fuck I missed this place." Miranda says as she enters.

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