Chapter 4

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I woke up with a sharp stinging pain coming from my left wrist. I looked down at my wrist and I see all the cuts I did last night."Great, how the fuck I'm I going to hide this.." I mumble to myself. I got up and went to to the bathroom I did everything I had to do also I untangle my hair. I go to my closet to look for clothes more specifically a long sleeve. I finally found something to wear, a black long sleeve sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. I went down stairs to eat it breakfast.
"Hey Miranda.."

"Hey... You know it's going to be hot today??"

"Really? Whatever I have a tank top under the sweater." I got a pop tart and a glass of milk to eat. After 4 mins we stepped out side to meet up with the guys. "Hey friends.."

"Maria is it going to be to hot to wear a sweater?" Vic asked looking at me from the rear view mirror.

"It's cool, I'm kinda cold right now." Right when we got to school the bell rang to our first class. "Later guys" I said while walking away. First period went by slow we had to read which made me fall asleep in class. Second period was basics with Vic, lucky the teacher never gives us homework.

After some more classes the bell rang to go out to lunch, I walked straight to meet up with Jaime, Mike, Tony, Vic ,and Miranda. For some reason today I felt very tired and sleepy. I got next to Vic and while everyone had their conversation I drifted off to sleep on Vic.

The loud ring of the bell woke me up from my peace full sleep. I looked up and I see Vic smiling at me."Hey sleepy head time to go to art."

"That sounds very fun" I said sarcastically. We got up and walked to class.We were late to class ,so the teacher gave us a big lecture about being late. He was usually cool with people being late but today he just seemed mad.

For art we watched a movie from an artiest. Me and Vic just talked the whole class time which was pretty fun. When the class was over Vic told me that he wasn't going to be able to walk me to my next class so I had to walk alone.

Jake the "popular" football player was laughing at me and passed by me handing me a letter before I walked in to class. When I got to class I sat down and read the letter.

"You sure really know how to act like everything is ok. If I were you I would go die, you ugly fat emo chick. Your friends don't even care about you trust me. Not even your mother cares about you. Your a worthless piece of shit have you noticed that. No one will ever thing your pretty go die slut not even your "closes friends" would care. Everyone in this planet hates you Maria. Remember that you worthless piece of trash do us a big favor and kill yourself."

Those words kept repeating in my mind over and over again. Maybe I should do that. right no one would care. I thought to myself. No I can't let them win I've never let them win.
"Maria aren't you hot in with your sweater on?? It's really hot.." Vic said while pulling up to my house.

"Umm nope." I said while staring down at my hands playing with the sleeves of my sweater. Truth is I was burning with the sweater on I wanted to take it off but I can't.

Vic looked at me not believing me one bit but didn't want to say anything back. Everyone got quite until I spoke up, "Are any of you down to hang out tonight??"

I looked over at Jaime "sorry can't I have a bunch of homework." Then I looked over to Tony, "Cant I have to babysit my little sister sorry". Then I looked over and Mike and Vic. Mike answered first "Can't sorry I'm still in trouble for getting into that fight."

"Ugh how about you Vic?" I asked while looking at Vic, "I know I can count on you right?"
"Sorry to let you down but I need to do an essay for English.." He looked at me and smiled, "But hey maybe if I finish early I'll stop by okay??"

"Okay Vic thanks for everything" I said while getting out of the truck "bye guys.."

I went up to my room to listen to music zone out for the rest of the day.

Those words kept repeating in my mind like if they were on replay."Why am I so useless??" I mumbled to myself "Stupid sweater I'm sweating.." I took of my sweater and threw if to the other side of the room. Maybe their right if I die everyone would be happy, right?

It's only 8pm and I'm supper bored on my bed. My eyes started to feel heavier and heavier as if I had bricks instead of my eyelids.
"MARIA!!" My heart started to race faster and I turn towards where my window is at.

"Vic you scared me.." I said giving him a childish frown.

"Aww I'm sorry." He started to walk towards me giving me a hug. "Hey at least I didn't let you down, I came just to make my best friend happy."

"Thanks Vic." I said while giving him a kiss on his cheek.

We were both sitting on my bed in silence. "I got an awesome idea." Vic said I looked at him with a confused face. "You wanna go to the beach I'll drive?" I nodded in agreement. I looked at Vic which was looked down at my hand which was centimeters away from his. He grabbed it ever so gentle and looked at me. I quickly pulled my hand out of his remembering what I have done just last night. But that was useless he grabbed my wrist tracing the cuts with his fingers as gentle as he could. "Maria, why??" He looked at me with his eyes full of sadness and worry.

I looked down not being able to look him in the eyes but he gentle lifted my head up. "Vic I'm sorry it was just.... They were telling me I was useless I should die that no one cares... And I started to believe them.."

"Tonight lets forget about these about them.." He said mentioning over to my wrist and to the people that have never liked me.. "Come on before it gets darker.." He said trying to smile.

We got up and we left outside going through the window not wanting Miranda to know I had left.

When we got there Vic carried me bridal style from the parking lot to the edge of the ocean. "Can you put me down already??"

"Umm sure" he gently put me on the sand and I sat there. He sat down with me after he notice I wasn't going to stand back up. "A mother tells her son.."

I interrupted "Darling look at the sparks.." I remember his mom would alway tell him that when we were younger. "Vic, I hope when were older we still know each other."

"Me too.." He looked me right in the eyes I felt so safe with him like no one could hurt me. We kept eye contact and I felt his hand on mine. "Your amazing just the way you are.."
I was glad it was pretty dark so Vic wouldn't be able to see me blush. We both slowly started to leaning towards each other. Our foreheads where now touching are lips centimeters away. Our lips touched ever so gentle my stomach was now full of butterflies.

I started to feel sand on my back and I noticed I was now laying down on the sand and Vic was on top of me. We both pull away breathless. "I'm sorry."

"Maria you don't have to feel sorry.." His eyes were so calming to me, I could melt just staring at them. "I should be sorry.."

"Nothing to be sorry about, we have done worse member." I said laughing at the end.

"Like what?" He asked like he didn't know.

"Come on Vic don't act dumb.." He looked at me with a confused face.. "You know like.. We've slept with each other.. Member losing my v-card with you." I looked down feeling like I wasn't suppose to say anything about the magical night i had with him.

"Yeah, I should be sorry about that.." He said wanting me to look him in the eye.

"You don't have to be sorry." I got up as he stood up too. "I'm happy I lost it to someone I care about and not someone who could end up being a jerk." He intertwined my fingers to his "Come on let's walk." I pulled him with me.

Couple of mins later it was getting darker, but I didn't care I alway feel safe with Vic. "We should get going, it's getting really late now." I nodded agreeing with him.

When he drop me at home I kept thinking about everything I've ever done with Vic.. All the things we done more then a friendship. "We've made love, kissed ugh..." I said to myself.. I changed in to my pjs and fell asleep just thinking about the past as in the positive stuff.

A/N thank you to all of you guys that read these I'm sorry it bad it's my first story. You guys reading this means the world to me love you guys. So yeah comment and vote please I wanna know what you guys think....... ~Maria :)

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