Chapter 27

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"What are we going to do Vic?" I ask Vic after a couple minutes of silence.

"I don't know first we have to make sure your actually pregnant." He stands up and help me get up to. We walk to his truck and on the way I almost fall but Vic catches me. "Be careful if you are pregnant I don't want anything to happen to you nor the baby."

We got into the truck and drove off, "Vic what's going to happen if its not your baby and its Pablo's?" I ask. Vic looks at me then to the road, he puts his hand on my thigh. "I don't care who's baby that is, I'll be his or hers father no matter what."

We arrived to a pharmacy and we just sit there in the car. Vic looks at me, smiles and gets out and open up my door. "Let's buy a test." I smile in reply and get out. Vic bought me two pregnancy test from two different brands to make sure. When we got back into his truck he gave me his phone. "What do you want me to do?"

"Call your sister or Mike to know where there at and we could know which house is empty and you'll take the tests at the empty house." I nodded my head and called Mike.

"Ok so there at your house. So that means drive to my house." He nodded and continued driving.

When we arrived we both got out of the truck. Vic grabbed the bag with the pregnancy tests in and put it in his back pocket. He noticed me looking at him, "incase someone's there and we don't have to tell them what's in the bag." He replied as if he could read my mind.

"Hey Maria!" Jaime yelled as we opened the door.
"I though you were at the Fuentes house?" I asked confused.
"We were but then my parents friends came over and we had to be quite so we came over here." Mike replied.

I go into my room and Vic follows, he closes the door behind him. I grab the bag and go to the bathroom to take the tests.
"Vic I think this is the longest 7 minutes of my life."

"Mine too, it's time lets check." We get off of my bed and walk to the dresser where I placed the tests. "Ready darling?" I nodded and looked at the first one.

"Vic I'm pregnant.." My tears instantly roll down my checks.
"It's okay darling lets cheek the other one." He looks at the other one. "This one came out negative."

"Vic so what does this mean?"

"We're going to have to go to the doctors to make sure." He bent down on his knees and placed his hand on my stomach. "Baby? If your in there I promise you me and your mommy will love you forever no limits to our love." I smile about the thought we actually being a family. "There's no, no such thing as to young." Vic finishes off and stands up and hugs me.

The day went one and we had fun Mike had one bottle of Jack Daniels and we took a hit well expect me because Vic started at me warning me if I was pregnant the alcohol wouldn't help the baby.


"Hey wake up baby." Vic shook me lightly. I open my eyes and see him. "So I called the doctor to make an appointment and its till tomorrow at 4pm." I nodded my head and pulled on my blanket. "Nope your going to shower and were going to have to turn in the papers for next school year."
I got up and wet straight to the shower and got ready for the day. I look at the clock and it was now 12.
"Miranda do you want to come with us to turn in the papers or will you go by your self?" I ask my sister that is on the couch watching tv.

"I'm waiting for you... We all want to go on our boards." She said getting up and handing me my skateboard while also getting hers. As on time the guys enter the house.

"Who's ready for another year of high school?!!!!" Jaime yells. We all booed at him. We all got outside and followed each other Vic stops me, "hey watch out okay darling be safe." I nodded and I follow everyone to the school.

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