Chapter 30

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"So what did the doctors tell you?" I ask curiously.

"Just please don't yell or get violent non of you there's six of you and one of me-"

"Get to the point." Mike cuts off Jenna.

She nodded and continued, "Miranda, Maria you have to move in with me."

"No we can't. I promised Vic i would go to prom, never leave from this place, always be there for each other and this is my home town." I quickly reply. Everyone was still shocked to answer.

"I'm sorry, they said with your hospital history, about the self harm, drug, now stabbed. They say I should send you to a mental hospital or you have to finally live with an adult."

"Jenna you don't act like an adult." Miranda comments.

"I may not but legally I am an adult, so you get to live with me or live with your mom and I know you don't want that." Everyone was still shocked that we had to move. The nurse came in to check up on the wires connected to me and to give me my medicine.

"We don't want to move in with you, you live in Chicago. Thats to far away from the guys." Miranda says. "And the only other family member we have is my mom and we know that worse then us living alone." I say after Miranda.

"Sorry to nose in into your conversation but why don't you love with your father?" The nurse said quietly.

"Our dad passed away." Miranda and I say at the same time.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." She handed me the medicine and a cup of water and left.

"Ok what if we do this; I'll stay here with you guys till Vic graduates then that week were leaving to Chicago. Deal?" We all just looked at Jenna as if she was crazy, "deal or no deal cause we could just leave this week." Jenna said while giving us an evil smirk.

I extended my hand out to her, "Deal." Miranda did the same and Vic and the guys just sat there.

"Now I have to go sign you out of here to go home." Jenna said while walking out.

"So I guess this is our last year together being one big family?" Vic said sadly.

"Yep, but hey I'll still be here for your graduation and maybe you could go to ours." I say mentioning Miranda.

"We need to talk once you get out." Vic said while kissing my forehead.


"Ok ready to leave?" Jenna says as the nurse pushes me on the wheel chair.

"Yeah." I get into Vic's car which was pretty painful. "I think I know how women feel when they get a c-section done." Every one laughs at my stupid joke.

"I don't want to sound rude or anything but can you guys leave with Jenna cause me and Maria need to talk." Vic said sweetly.

"Ok but don't make her walk a lot cause that must be painful and don't get sand on your wound hun Jaime told me about you falling asleep on the beach." We nodded and Vic drove off.

* * * *

"Can we just talk in the car because it is pretty painful to walk it just hurts in general."

"Yeah no problem darling.." Vic kept staring at my lips then my eyes, "umm so about prom. Do you still want to go?"

"Yes Vic nothing would stop me from going with you. Not even this" i said pointing to my new soon to scar. He gives me a simple smile. He slowly starts to lean in and I automatically lean in too. Our lips fit in perfectly to one and other just so perfect.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now