Chapter 7

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A/N this chapter is dedicated to
@KarlaEspinoza769 for actually letting me know she's reading this. Thanks dude and thank you also for who ever else is reading this it means a lot to me... ~Maria

~~Vic's POV~~
(Rewind to Sunday)

I woke up at 9am. Fuck what am I going to do today.. I thought to myself. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.
"Good morning mama." I told mama while getting out a bowl for cereal.

"buenos días mijo.." (Good morning son) She said with a smile on her face like always. "Mijo maybe tonight you could invite Miranda and Maria for dinner?"

"Yeah mama I'm going to their house later so yea I'll ask." I said while taking another spoonful of cereal.
Thinking about it I haven't talked to Maria and Miranda since their mom kicked us out.

When I finished I walked out of the house and went straight to the twins house. As I go up to their front door I knock, no answer. I knocked louder but still they didn't answer. I walked around to the back door but it was locked so I knocked, again no answer.

It's Sunday so maybe they went out or something, I thought. I go back to my house to Mike's room.
"Hey brother what up?" He says as I enter the room.

"Have you seen ,talked ,or texted Maria or Miranda? Like after their mom kicked us out?" I said while taking out my phone.

"No I haven't why?" He asked

"I went to their house and they weren't there."

"Maybe they went out, or just went to hang out some place."

"Yeah maybe"

I looked for Maria's number and texted her : Hey call me when u can alright.

The rest of the day me and Mike were just hanging out having fun back in my head I was worrying about Maria and Miranda they both didn't answer my texts.

~~Wednesday~~ (after school still Vic's POV)

The twins haven't been to school the whole week and they don't answer any of our texts or calls. Me and the guys are driving to their house to figure out what's going on. It's getting dark so they have to be home by now right?

As we all get out the truck we go to the door Jaime starts knocking really loud yelling "it's the police open up!"

"Hime be quite." I tell him. But they didn't answer we go to the back yard we knocked but no one answered.

"This is getting pretty weird don't you guys think?" Tony said. We all agreed.

"Guys look Miranda's bedroom window is a little open maybe if I go up the tree and I could get in." Jaime says.

"Why don't we just use the back up key that mama has at home?" I say

"Yeah ill run home and get it." Mike said while starting to run home.

As Mike got back he opened the door and we all looked around the house I go straight up stairs to Maria's room. I go inside and I see her stuffed bear that her dad gave her. And a letter. I open the letter and read it.

After I read it I go down stairs "Guys! Guys!" They all ran to the living room.

"Their mom forced them back to Anaheim." I said as I showed them the letter.

"dosent their step dad hate them?" They said at the same time.

"Fuck we need to get to them as soon as possible. But it's already to late to leave." I say looking at them.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now