Chapter 15

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Pablo: Babe you down to get high again?

Me: Fuck yeah babe... It would be my honor... Lol

Pablo: ok weed? Acid? Ecstasy? Anything you want babe. Your choice.

Me: Ecstasy for sure babe.

"MARIA!!!" Jaime, Mike ,Tony ,Vic ,and Miranda yell at me. I dropped my phone because I didn't expect them to yell at me.

"What the fuck do you want!" I tell/yell a them.

"What are you doing tonight?" Tony asked.

"I'm going to go hang out with Pablo why?"

"What do you do much with him huh?" Jaime asked.

"Its nun of your fucking business." I say back annoyed.

"Maria you have been acting really different later. What's wrong?" My sister asks me.

"People just leave me alone okay. It's not like the fucking world is going to end." As I finish saying that Mike snatches my phone away from me. "Give that back to me asshole!" I yelled at Mike I truly didn't want him to read the messages I sent Pablo out loud.

"Babe you down to-" Mike starts to read the message but I kick him in the balls. He dropped the phone to hold him self. Everyone looked at me in disbelieve of what I have just done.

"What the fuck Maria. Now I truly want an answer from you why are you acting so fucking different lately. It's been a fucking week since we got out of school and you promised that this summer was going to be a blast but your off with your stupid ass boyfriend-" Vic yelled at me but cut off by a knock on the door.

I walk to the door and flip ever one off, "leave me alone fucking assholes." As soon as I open the door I attack Pablo with a hug ,"hey babe." I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled in reply. I walk back to the living room holding hand with Pablo and say "later I'm going to hang out with Pablo and people who don't act as if they have a stick up their asses." They all look at Pablo then at me, Vic and Miranda were about to say something but we left before they could talk.


"Here's your happy pill babe." I smile and take it from him.

"Thank god I need this shit." I swallow it down and wait till the effect kicks in.
Once the effect kicks in I don't remember what happen all I know is I ended up in my bed the next morning with the smell of alcohol on my shirt.

The next thing I know I'm getting picked up of my bed and taking me down stair to the couch. "What do you guy want now?" I asked a little annoyed.

"What time did you get home last night?" Miranda asked.

"I have no fucking idea." I said giggling towards the end.

"What the fuck did you do?" Tony asked getting straight to the point.

"Don't worry about it just stop getting into my business."

"Just tell us please." Vic said begging to know what has been up with me lately.

"No Vic, it's not fucking fair okay. All of you fucking know that by Vic looking at me straight in to my eyes ill tell the truth that he has this thing, that makes me give the up truth so easily. But not no more I'm tired of all this fucking bullshit. Don't fucking worry about what I'm doing no more, I'm not a fucking little girl. Stop using Vic for he could get the truth out of me just stop. I have a life too and a fucking boyfriend that I want to hang out with and have fun with. So stay out of my business. Leave me alone!" They all look at me more worried then before.

"Maria were trying to help you." Tony says.

"You've changed and not in a good way." Vic says right after Tony.

"Maybe you don't like the new me but I do." I say anger.

"Please Maria at least hang out with us today. Please I beg you." My own sister begging me to stay.

"Sure." I went up stairs to take a shower and get dressed. "Okay I'm here now, what do I do?"

"Just talk have fun. But no phone please." Miranda says.

"I'll talk and 'have fun' but If I wanna be on my phone ill be on my phone." I say demanding. She rolled her and at me and nodded ok.

We were talk about stuff I guess and my phone alerts me I have got a message I look at it and instantly smile.

Pablo: Babe wanna hang out?

I look at my fiends and they look at me. My smile changes to a frown.

Me: Sorry babe I can't, I'm stuck with these people.

Pablo: it's ok babe my mom is making me take care of my brother now.

Me: awwww cute <3 later then

Pablo: later <3

"Don't tell me Pablo wants you to hang out with him and now you have to leave us." Jaime said.

"Yes but I said no." They all looked at me surprised and smiled.
"Can we go at least just skate around town? Or something."

"Yes we can" Mike said.

We all got ready and left to skate all over town.
About an hour later me and Mike were behind everyone else.

"Mike?" I asked.

"What?" He voice sounds still anger from me kicking him.

"I'm sorry for kicking you in the balls. Can you forgive me?" I asked fully honest.

"Of course I can." We stopped and he hugged me. "I love you tiny"

"I love you go Mikey."

For the rest of the day I was not high nor did I keep secrets from them , I was just with them. But of course the next day I went back to Pablo and got high again. Back to them keep being angry at me for hanging out with my boyfriend to much. But you only live one right, so go fucking nuts.

A/N so my friend Lexxie helped me out a lot again like always... Thank you so much Lexxie love you... So anyways I hope you guys like it.... ~Maria

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