Chapter 19

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~~~Vic's POV at Chris's grave~~~

I walk up to his grave and sit on the ground next to him. "Hey buddy long time no see." I say and smile, "fuck if you saw as all grow up you would be so proud. I bet your still proud of us right now." I start picking at the grass.

"I bet you would have still been there for Miranda and Maria not like Ashley that left them and kicked them out. Fuck years do past by fast."

"Sooo Chris I know your here right now, I can feel it and I wanna tell you please don't take you daughter away from us right now we all need her here with us." I say looking at his grave.

~~~~~Flashback back~~~~~

He took me ,Ashely ,and his 3 month year old daughters to the fair.

"Chris?" I asked.

"What's up buddy?" He replied. I pointed to the miracle round with the horses. He smiled and hold me up, he looked at Ashley and told her that if she wanted to get on the ride with us but she said no.

As we got on ride he put Maria and Miranda's baby carrier on the slide thing and he sat in the middle. Before the ride started Ashley took a picture of us me on Chris's lap and Chris in the middle between the two baby carries. I keep on smiling and laughing with Chris aside from me.


That ride was truly amazing to me. I knew him since I was born and once he passed away it was weird knowing that he isn't back or that I wasn't able to see him no more.

"I still remember when you wanted me to help you pick out the stuffed bear for Maria and Miranda.." I say to Chris well what is left of him physically.


We went to Toys R Us the day after his princesses where born.

"Vic can you help me pick out 2 stuffed animals or bears for my daughters." I nodded and went around the store with Chris following me I ended up picking 4 animals for him to pick from. One was a light pink bunny with a bow on each ear, another one was the same as the bunny but this one was like a light brown color, another was a panda bear, and the last one was a cute light brownish teddy bear.

"Hmmmm I'll get the light brown bunny for Miranda and the bear for Maria.. Thanks buddy." He told me to grab what ever toy I wanted and I ended up picking a super cool soccer ball.

When we got home Chris went straight to give Maria and Miranda there new stuffed animal.. I went to see the babies and they both had a pink blanket with like a light purple at the ends of it they both had a medium size M on the corner of the blanket and there full initials in small letters.

"Aww both of you liked your bears... My buddy over here helped me pick them out just for you two." Chris told his daughters in a baby voice.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

"Please Chris don't take her away from me. It's not her time." I was quite for a couple of minutes... "I truly love your daughter."

"I love you buddy. I wish there was something I could do to bring you back. I miss you." I places my hand on the ground and left.

I went back to the same place I started in Maria's room. I fell asleep watching old videos from when we were kids.


I woke up with my stomach growling... I look at the time and it was only 6am. I went down stairs and found Miranda passed out on the couch with her make up running down her cheek, she was crying. I go up to her room and quickly grab a blanket and put it on her. After that I went into the kitchen and ate a sandwich.

Promises Won't Be Broken (Vic Fuentes love story)Where stories live. Discover now