Chapter 2

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~~~~The Next Morning~~~
I could feel some one moving next to me ,I ignored it but a minute later some one was picking me up bridal style.. I open my eyes and see Vic's beautiful brown eyes staring at me..
Vic said "Hey sleepy head." His morning voice is so perfect.. I gave him a smile and said "hey, where were you taking me to??"

"I was going to take you my room, for you could sleep better.." I smiled and just nodded my head.. He kept on walking to his room, when we got to his room he slowly put me down on his bed..

Jaime came running in to the room around 11am.. He started jumping between me and Vic. I said "hey hime some one has way to much energy this morning.."

He sat down with a smile and said "Tony, Mike ,and Miranda are making breakfast and said that I should come and get you two to eat." I looked at Vic and he got up and said "okay let's go eat then"..

It was 2:30 and we still didn't do anything fun, after breakfast all of us just got ready for the day. Vic finally spoke up and said "Lets go have fun at the beach.."

Everyone just nodded there heads in agreement. I ran to Vic's room and grave my skateboard.. They all looked at me and Mike said "nice thinking lets go to the beach on our boards"..

Everyone got there boards and extra clothes. Miranda, Mike and Jaime had backpacks on which contained extra clothes for all of us... At 3pm we all got on are boards and crused to the beach..

We finally got to the beach and were now just playing with the sand. Tony and Mike were talking to each other something about throwing one of us into the water. Mike looked at me and I gave him a look saying that it better not be me, he just laughed.. Vic took of his shirt and said "I'm going to get in the water wanna join, Maria." I said yes and he extended his hand to help me up.. We were walking hand in hand swinging are hands all over the place.

Once we got in the water I noticed Mike and Tony nodded at each other run towards Miranda and Jaime.. Tony got Miranda's legs and mike got her hands.. All you could hear was my sister yelling and screaming let me go.. Once they reached the water to where me and vic were at they dump her in to the water.. We all laughed are ass off..

Next thing I know vic pushed me into the water. Before I went down I grabbed his hand which made both of us fall in.. Once we came back up I attacked him with a hug.. Miranda yelled out "You guys look like a fucking couple.." Once we got to Miranda I told her "Your stupid me and Vic are best friends forever..."

All of us sat in a circle in the sand. Me and Miranda said at the same time "I'm hungry!!!" The guys laughed at us.. Tony spoke up and said "the diner is about 10 mins from here.." Mike said "you guys wanna go eat there even if they sit us all the way in the back." We all yelled "Yes!!!"

Once we got to the diner it was around 7pm already.. The waitress saw us and took us to the table we always get the one all the way in the back they been sitting us here for as long as I could remember because they would always yell at us to stop throwing shit around we always get in trouble here..

We all sat down me between Vic and Mike, Miranda between Tony and Jaime... Rosie the waitress looked at all of us and said "you guys better not throw stuff around and start going crazy.." We all laughed remembering how we always start going wild when were here..

A new waitress came to take are orders. After she got are orders she looked at me and Vic saying "Have you two been going out for a long time!" We all laughed and the waitress said "did I say something fun?"

Everyone expect for me and vic said "their not dating their just best friends.." She left saying "sorry about that.." Miranda said "you see you guys do look like your dating..."
We all were quite until the food came then we just ate..

It was now 8:30.. We were going back to the Fuentes house.. Jaime looked at every one and said " what if we do a race.." I asked "what type of race you thinking about hime?"

"What if we pair up and and the first pair to get to the Fuentes houses hold wins.." They all agreed and we got in to partners.. The partners were Miranda and Tony, Jaime and Mike ,and lastly of course Vic and me.. We got to a stop light and Jaime said "once the light turns green the race begins" we all waited and once the light turn green we all yell "Gooo!!!" We all went are separate ways.

Vic and me just crossed the street and just walked we didn't care about the race.. We walked in front of a house that had a boy and a girl around 12 years olds outside on the side walk. They were holding hands and they kissed when we walked passes them I stopped and told the girl "You guys are a very cute couple.." She looked at the ground and back up to me and said "Me and him aren't dating were just best friends.."
"Oh I understand."

The girl looked at mine and Vic's hand that were intertwined and asked "are you two dating?" Vic smiled at me and i said "no were best friends too." We kept walking still holding hands. After about 5 minutes of silence Vic said "You know, they reminded me of us when we where that age.."
"I know"

Vic's phone starts to ring, he took out his phone." Hey.. No... We'll be there right now... Fuck sorry dude.. Ok bye.."

Vic looked at me and said "hey there saying we're taking forever I think we should hurry up now."
"Yeah sure it's almost 9:30pm already, we should be getting there."

When we finally got back to the Fuentes house everyone came after us.. Jaime and Mike kept yelling "We Won!!!! Losers!!"

Mama Fuentes came out saying, "Mijos be quite.. I think it's time to either get in the house or go back home it's late." We all shook are heads, all of us were going to go back to our houses. After Tony and Jaime left Mama said "Victor mijo go take back Maria and Miranda to there house it's getting late and they look tired."

Vic looked at me and said "ok mama I am I'll be back in like 7mins ." We said bye to mama and I called shot gun so I got to sit next to my best friend..

When we got home Miranda went running in to the house and I stayed behind. "Bye Vic thanks for the ride"
"Maria you know you don't have to thank me, I'll see you mañana or Monday at school ok"
"Yeah see you bye Vic."

With that said I went into the house changed my clothes and fell asleep.

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