Chapter 24 Could There Be More Then They Say?

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(Picture of Cancer)
Cancer's pov

  Something felt off about everything we had heard. Why where they after the people under are signs? What is the point of them doing this?
It's been over a month and neither of those questions were answered. It was all about training and finding out what power we would get.
Aries ended up getting the power to turn anything to ash, Virgo the power to make dirt storms, and I was able to freeze anything with my hands if I wanted to. Also Scorpio got a black cat and Libra got a fox.
Aqua has hardly left her room except for class in the past month. It was scaring all of us and with our powers growing and more of us showing signs of getting them soon it wouldn't be long before we started to have to fight.
  "Hey Leo!" I smiled walking up to my friend/crush at lunch again Aquarius was missing "How are you?"
  "I'm fine I guess." He smiled "Just wishing I had my power already. What's it like to freeze things?"
  "It's interesting to say the least." I giggled "I'm scared I'm going to freeze one of you guys."
  "Really?" He asked "I'm sure you'll be fine Cancer!"
  I was about to speak when Principle Star ran in with the rest of our teachers.
  "Aquarius is missing!" He said "And I believe Scorpio, Aries, and Taurus have ran off to find her. This is your first mission bring the others back. None of us no why Aquarius has disappeared"
  "She hasn't been herself." Sagg said "Its been scaring us."
  "Will bring them back." I said "But shouldn't you help us. I mean not all of us have our powers yet."
  "If we try to mess with a fight or mission of your generation." Mrs. Ross said "We could possibly attract unwanted attention. You see the creatures of the dark have not realized that that our generation has ended and a new one has started. If we interfere we could bring in unwanted attention and none of you are close to being ready."
"Even though you are not fighting anything." Mr. Fray said "She's your friend and part of your generation which means she's part of your responsibility and team like all of you guys are to her and she seems to need you guys more then ever."
This confused me more. Four people from our team is now missing, the teachers can't help because their afraid of upsetting something and yet their sending us out on a mission that could be dangerous and we have no idea how to fight.
The eight of us here looked at each other before nodding and grabbing somethings our pets and ran out to the forest.
"Do you feel like they are hiding something from us?" Gemini asked, I nodded along with the others "But what could it be?"
"Maybe Aqua found out what it was?" Pisces said "And she ran off because of it."
"That may be a bit of a long shot." Libra said "But let's say she did what could it have been?"
"I don't know." Pisces muttered "But when she's not in our room she's in the library. Maybe she found a book explaining this Zodiac thing."
"You three are way over thinking this." Capricorn said "But there is a slight chance you our right we our in trouble."
"I've known Aqua for years." I said "She doesn't just run away for no good reason she must of found out something that scared her I know it."
"Hey look guys." Virgo said pointing at something in the dirt "This looks like four sets of foot prints which means the others found Aqua or are close to."
"Well." Capricorn said "Lets go fine those four and figure out what the fuck is going on."
Right when he said that a female voice was heard screaming and smoke filled the sky. I looked at the others and we ran in the direction of the noise.

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