Chapter 50 Am I Pure?

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Libra's pov

I was happy! We were so close to going back to normal I wanna see my family again, I missed my aunt and uncle dearly and I'm sure the others miss their families too.
  The map led us to a beautiful waterfall. It was night once again when we reached the water. We spotted a girl laying in the water looking up at the stars smiling. I feel as if Ophiuchus knows all these people we keep running into.
  She must of heard us moving cause she stood up in the water her white dress still dry.
  "Hi I'm the guardian of the lake." She says moving a piece of brown hair from her face "The water here is very special only the purest can touch it."
  I looked at the others. Who out of us was the purest? Where any of us after the things we had done?
  "Libra." Aqua smiled "If it's anyone it's you."
  "Yeah." Aries smiled "You have the right amount of kindness, bravery, and beauty."
  I was nervous but I slowly walked towards the water dipping my hand into it, feeling the cold liquid on my skin.
  "Your friends where correct." The girl smiled "You are the purest."
  I nodded and grabbed to veils filling them up with water.
  "If I'm correct your next stop is the tree of life?" The girl asked, we all nodded "I wish you luck you won't get the bark so easily."

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