Chapter 49 Wisest Heart

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Pisces's pov

Item number three was two petals from the rose of wisdom. The twelve of us set up camp in a near by cave maybe a ten minute walk way from the butterflies. Cancer would check Aqua's bag every once in a while seeing if she had to freeze them again or not.
"Gosh I'm beat." I yawned laying my head against Gemini's shoulder "Who knew we'd be fighting dragons and acid butterflies to get rid of our powers."
"The sooner we find these items." Aries said hugging Libra "The sooner we get rid of these powers."
  Soon we all started to drift off into slumber. I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I looked around to see some of the others up.
  After a quick breakfast we packed up and followed Cancer to the next spot. I chuckled watching Sagi talking to Virgo. When is that boy gonna ask him out? I totally ship it!
  We ended up reaching a field filled with bushes of roses. There was a little girl who looked only seven watering a bush.
  "Excuse us." I called the girl turned to me, she had long blond hair and ruby colored eyes "We are looking for the rose of wisdom."
  "Ophiuchus told me you would be coming soon." She smiled "But I won't give the rose so easily you have to pass a test first. The rose is named after wisdom only the wisest among you will be able to find it in this field of roses."
  My jaw dropped. There were over 200 bushes of roses and only one was the rose we needed. We all split up looking for a rose that may of looked different.
  We sighed in exhaustion after four hours of looking and nothing happening. I started to think the rose was in here we just need to think this over.
  "I got it!" I said jumping up "I know what rose it is!"
  "Do you now?" The little girl said "Please tell me."
  "That one." I said pointing at her "It's the one in your hair!"
  The girl smiled at me nodding before pulling if from her hair handing it to me. I gently pulled off two petals handing it back to her.
  "Thank you." She said as I gave it back to her "You truly are wise. Everyone always thinks it's in the field. I wish you twelve good luck."
  She then walked back to one of the bushes and started watering again. Two more items left.

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