Chapter 33 Our Worst Fears

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(Picture of Libra)
Cancer's pov

I woke up to the feeling of someone pushing me. I looked up to see Libra looking at me with worried blue eyes.
"There's a monster close to camp!" She said "Aries, Capricorn, and Aqua went to go after it. Help me wake the others to tell them."
  "Okay!" I said jumping up "Lets go!"
We got the others up and headed off to find the others. When we got there I saw a huge spider with something green dripping from its mouth. I was terrified of spiders.
"Why!?" I cried "Why a spider?"
"C-Cancer what are you talking about?" Pisces stuttered "It's a creature with bloody eyes a s-slashed neck and sh-sharp yellow teeth!"
"GUYS!" Aqua yelled tears in her eyes "It shows your worse fears!"
So we were all seeing something different! I froze in fear as the spider creature came close to me. I was to afraid to attack or move.
  LEAVE HER ALONE!" Libra yelled and a moment later a huge gust of wind blew the monster onto its back "Cancer you okay?!"
  She asked running over to me before pulling me into a tight hug. I nodded my head hugging her back.
  "Y-your powers!" I said in shock "You got your powers!"
  "Guess I did!" She smiled "Now come on we need to help the others!"
  I nodded holding her hand before we ran to the others. Scorpio was helping Aqua who's eyes were filled with fear. Taurus was trying to attack the monster with Leo and Capricorn. Virgo was trying to cause a dust storm around it to blind it as Aries and Sagittarius fought it and Gemini tried helping calm down Pisces.
I tried my hardest not to break down and cry as Libra kept pushing the monster down with her wind and then I got an idea.
"Libra!" I yelled "Keep pushing the monster down then I'll try freezing it and Virgo when I finish that use your dust storm as strong as you can to break it into pieces!"
I had never felt so in charge before. It was new for me. Libra blew the monster once more on its back and I started to freeze it. As soon as it couldn't move Virgo started his dust storm causing the monster to break and shatter to pieces.
I fell to me knees tired as hell. Leo ran over to me helping me up as Aries and Sagg did the same to Libra and Virgo. That was the hardest fights so far. If I saw my worst fear a spider what did the others see. I had never seen that much fear in Aqua's eyes or Taurus shake the way she was. All I knew was we need to leave this forest before something worse comes.

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