Chapter 17 Confused Still

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Aquarius's pov

  I'm confused but I wasn't showing it. I had run past them, and I had saw them, so why didn't they see me. I mean Gemini looked me practically in the eye when I ran past.
Maybe the reason we are at this school can explain what the hell is going on.
  "Aqua!" A voice said "Aqua you there?"
  I woke from my thoughts and looked to see everyone staring at me worried.
  "Sorry was thinking." I smiled "Let's go explore the campus come on guys."
  I ran to the staircase and slid down the railing to the first floor. I looked up to see everyone looking at me wide eyed and shrugged. You only live once why not live it fun.
  The campus was amazing. There was a garden with all kinds of flowers, a huge inside pool, there where even animals on campus. I had seen a puppy and walked over to it slowly. It looked like a husky. I bent down a few feet away from it and looked the fluffy white and black puppy in its blue eyes.
  It wagged it's tail and ran into my arms. I laughed as it licked my face. In the corner of my eye I saw a brown kitty with green eyes look over at Taurus before running up to her and leaning against her leg.
  Taurus picked the kitten up and gently petted it as I walked back over to them with the husky in my arms. 
  "Seems like they choose you two." A voice said we all turned to see a man with brown hair, yellow eyes, in around his thirties walking up to us "I am Headmaster Star, it is nice to meet some of my students."
"You too." Taurus smiled "But what do you mean chosen?"
"There are animals all around this campus." He started "All twelve of you will be picked by one of theses animals, they are like your companion I guess you can say. You will learn more about them in your elements classes."
"You mean the water, earth, fire, air classes?" Capricorn asked, Headmaster Star nodded "Okay then."
"When will we find out why we are here?" I asked
"Over the school year you will start to understand and figure out why the twelve of you are at this school." He said "Now it's time for dinner and I suggest the two of you come up with a name to give your pets."
He walked away and I looked back to my friends confused more then ever. First this strange school, then my friends not seeing me run past them in the hallway, and now we get chose by an animal. What kind of school is this.
"Hmm." I thought looking down at the puppy in my arms "How about Shadow?"
The puppy barked in approval in my arms causing me to giggle.
"And I'll name you." Taurus started "Izzy!"
The kitten meowed happily. Guess they both liked there new names. I held Shadow in my arms and the six of us headed inside to catch up with everyone else.

Okay you will understand more about the animals later on in the story but I have a question for everyone except Taurus and Aquarius what kind of animal would you want like breed gender that stuff.

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