Chapter 22

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The next time I wake up, the sun has risen just above the horizon. I pull one of Shane's large sweatshirts from his bag and pull it over my head, shielding myself from the chilly morning air. I pull my gun from it's holster. I pop out the magazine and check the ammo. When I see it's still full I click it back in place and quietly open my door. I sneak out, sure not to wake Shane. I slowly close the door hoping it doesn't wake him up. I hold my breath. He groans and wiggles around in his seat, but he doesn't open his eyes. I sigh and back away from the jeep. I tiptoe past the others, that are sound asleep in their cars. I'm almost to the guard rail when I feel a rough hand grab my arm. I go to scream, but he shushes me. I whip around to face him.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Daryl whispers, gruffly. He looks exhausted.

"To go find Sarah." I whisper back, pulling my arm free. "Did you find anything?"

"I followed her trail around for awhile, but it just dropped off. I just wandered around after that, trying to pick her trail back up, but I didn't see any sign of her." He sighs. I nod slowly. "I figure we should get as many people as we can, fan out through the woods. We'll cover more ground that way."

"Thank you."

"Fer what?"

"For everything." He nods and starts to walk away. He turns back to me.

"Just stay here until everyone else is ready...alright?"

"Yeah..ok." He nods again then walks to his truck. I pace impatiently, waiting for everyone else to wake up. Finally when the sun has risen high into the sky the rest of the group start to stir. I jump when Shane steps in front of me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"You ok baby?" He asks softly, rubbing his hand down my arm.

"Terrific." I say sarcastically. "Can we just go..please. I'm going crazy just sitting here." I beg.

"Everyone's almost ready. Just a few more minutes." I nod. I rest my hand on my belly, thinking about the tiny baby residing inside me. Shane smiles and squats down in front of me. He places his ear up to my stomach, his hands resting on both sides. "Hello? Anyone in there?" I can't help but laugh. I run my hand gently through his dark curly hair as he continues talking to my stomach. "This is your daddy speakin' and I just want you to know how your mommy and I both love you soooo much already. But I won't keep you. I know you got uh baby stuff you gotta take care of in there." I giggle as he stands back up. "What?" He asks laughing.

"You're so cute." I smile. I lean in and place a gentle kiss on his lips. His leans his forehead against mine. I can see the sadness in his deep brown eyes.

"We will find Sarah you know." I nod. "Then me, you, Sarah, and this baby we'll...we'll find somewhere safe to settle down. I will protect this family Katie...I will...even it's the last thing I do."

"I know baby, I know you will."  Rick comes up to us.

"You guys ready? We're burnin' daylight." A small laugh slips out. Rick gives me a skeptical look, his eyebrows furrowed.

"She's been up a while." Shane says quickly before I open my mouth.

"Alright come on then." Rick mumbles as we all meet up with the rest of the group in front of the RV. Don't get me wrong I love my brother, but sometimes I just want to slap him.

"Where's my gun?" Andrea asks Dale angrily. "I want my gun back Dale." She shouts.

"Look Rick and I both decided that the less guns floating around here, the better." Shane says, stepping in.

"Especially with that herd not too far away. One shout could chance bringing them all back here." I add in.

"But it's my gun!" She whines.

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