Chapter 48

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I hand Daryl the list of essential items we'll need for when the baby gets here. I wrote down every last thing i could of, terrified we won't be ready. I just we knew exactly how far along I am. Between not knowing who the father is, or when i got pregnant this baby could come at any time.  I feel like i could pop I'm so huge, but i pray our little ass kicker holds on a little longer. He starts reading down the list.

"Formula, bottles, baby carrier, breast pump.." He pauses, cringing.

"Tell me about it." I laugh.

"You ready?" Rick asks Daryl as he walks up to us. "We've gotta get going if we want to get back before dark." Daryl nods. He kisses me, so passionately I almost forget Rick is standing there. He grumbles under his breath. I pull away from Daryl, looking to Rick. "I'm never gonna get used to that am I?" He complains.

"Rick I'm pregnant...I think it's time about time you come to terms with the fact I'm not a little kid anymore." I say, laughing at the look of disgust on his face.

"Nope...not gonna happen..." He says turning away from me.

"How do you think this baby got here? Magic?" I ask, unable to control my laughter. He holds his hands over his ears.

"Uh uh, we're not having this conversation." He hurries out to the car, leaving Daryl and I. Daryl places his rough hand against my cheek. I place my hand over his, closing my eyes. I lean into his touch, savoring this moment.  

"Be careful okay?" I say, opening my eyes. "I can't do this without you...either of you." I say indicating toward my big brother.

"You won't have to...we'll be back soon."


"With all my heart." He pulls me into him. I feel the warmth of his body against mine, as I wrap my arms around him. I never want to let go, I wish we could just stay here, safe in each others arms forever. But I pull away, knowing I have to let him go. He kisses my cheek. "I'll be as quick as I can, okay? I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles, taking one last look at me before turning and walking away. I sigh, watching my whole world drive away.

"They'll be okay you know." Lori says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"How do you know?" I ask her, riddled with worry.

"They always come back to us." She says with a smile.

"You didn't tell him did you?" I ask her, indicating the hand resting gently on her flat belly. She shakes her head.

"How'd you know?" She asks.

"I know my brother, he never would have walked out that door if he'd known."

"You need those supplies Katie, I couldn't take the chance that baby wouldn't have what it needs. He needed to go."

"But what about you, what about your baby? You need to be taken care of too..."She sighs. "Which is why I put more prenatal vitamins on the list..."

"What?" She asks surprised.

"I know you too Lori, I knew you wouldn't tell him. So I told them I ran out and needed more...that way you can start taking them too. We have to look out for each other Lori, especially now. It's not just us that are at risk anymore, it's our babies too." She hugs me.

"Thank you." She says quietly as she pulls away. I nod.

"That's what family's for." I say with a smile. Our conversation is cut short when Maggie walks up to us. 

"You ready to go through those baby clothes?" she asks cheerfully. "I'm afraid if we don't go now Beth might explode with anticipation." We laugh.

"Yeah, Lori you wanna come?" I ask her, hoping it would help ease her mind about her own baby.

"I'd love to." I smile at them and we head down the stairs. Lori walks in front of me, with Maggie close behind. I take one step at a time, one hand on my belly the other one the railing. Its rediculous how much harder things are when you can't even see past your belly. When we get to the bottom of the steps I see Beth sitting on the floor surounded by tiny clothing. She giggles.

"Sorry, i just couldn't wait!" Maggie pulls up a chair and i sit beside where Beth is on the floor. "I started organizing them by size. I put the newborn outfits over there." She says pointing to a pile on the ground. "They're a little dusty so we'll have to wash them when we're done here, but I think they'll do just fine!" She chirps. I hold up a tiny pair of fuzzy pink footie pajamas.

"These are perfect Beth, thank you." We set the onsies, and warmer clothing to the size to be washed first since that's what he or she will need first. Its already freezing out so we'll need to keep our little ass kicker bundled up tight. My heart flutters with excitement as I realize its only a matter of time before he or she is here.

"Daddy brought the bassinet upstairs, while you and Daryl were talking. And T and the boys moved everything else, so everythings all ready." Maggie beams.

"I seriously can't thank you all enough, I'm so grateful for everything you've done for us." I say, rubbing my belly. I gasp surprised by the sudden wave of pain ripping through me.

"Katie? What is it? Whats wrong?" Lori asks, filled with concern. I take a few deep breaths.

"I'm okay, I think little Dixon is playing some serious soccer in there." I laugh. "I think I just need to lay down for awhile."

"Alright come on, let's get you upstairs." Maggie says taking my hand. I pull myself up out of the chair, and take a few steps toward the stairs. I pause, crying out in pain. I brace myself on the wall of the basement. Lori and Maggie hold tight around my arms, keeping me standing.

"It can't be! It's too early!" I cry.

~Authors Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Thank you so much for all the reads and comments I've been getting lately. They mean the world to me ❤❤❤❤

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