Chapter 33

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I close my eyes savoring every second with him. I feel his warm forehead against mine, his strong musky scent all around me. Suddenly everything is so clear, like i'm seeing the world for the first time. I love him, I always have. I open my eyes, and smile when I see his incredible eyes are still focused right on me. I smile, my heart fluttering. He pulls his head back a little, bringing his hand up to my face. He rubs his rough thumb across my cheek. 

"You're so damn beautiful." He says quietly. I look down, my face flushing. He gently lifts my head up. "I mean it Katie." He smiles, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. His smile is so perfect. I wish the rest of the group would see him like I do. He's not just some dickhead redneck. He's sweet and sensitive and he has the biggest heart. This front he puts up in front of everyone else is nothing like who he really is, the way he is with me. Sitting here next his him, seeing the real him brings me back to when Sammy was just born. I had never seen him so happy. The way Daryl looked at him melted my heart. I had never felt the kind of love I felt for that perfect baby boy until the day I held him in my arms for the first time. He had Daryl's gorgeous baby blue eyes. I turn my back to Daryl, my eyes starting to water. His face immediately drops. He places a hand gently on my shoulder. "Katie what's the matter?" He whispers. I slowly turn back to face him, tears silently sliding down my cheeks. 

"I miss him." He nods, automatically understanding who I was talking about. He lets his arm fall from my shoulder down to my hand. He intertwines his fingers with mine.

"I know K, I miss him too." My heart breaks a little more when I hear the nickname he used to call me. 

"I miss him so much it physically hurts." I cry. He pulls me into him, wrapping his strong arms tightly around me. "I felt so guilty that I couldn't save him, a-and when I meet Sarah I thought this was fate telling me I could save this one. I thought I could make things right!" I cry. "A-and then I failed her too." I completely break down. Crying hysterically into his shoulder.

"You know just as well as I do that there was nothing either of us could do to save him." He says quietly, his voice cracking. He pushes me back so that he is looking into my eyes. "When those firemen cut him out of his car seat my entire world completely shattered around me, I thought I'd lost you both. My life was over. But when you blinked your eyes open in that ambulance on the way to the hospital you SAVED me." He cries. "Neither of us could save him, but you lived. You gave me a reason to keep going. We made it through, together. We will find Sarah and no matter what happens after that I'll be right here. I didn't give up hope then and I won't give up hope now."

"God I love you." I cry, throwing myself into him. He kisses me roughly, our tears wetting our cheeks. He runs his hands through my long wavy hair, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. I pull myself closer to him, overwhelmed with emotions. I slide down the bed so that I'm laying flat on my back. He grunts in pain as he shifts, so that he's hovering over top of me but he doesn't stop. He lifts my shirt gently over my head. He takes a second to admire me from above then he presses his lips back against mine. I dig my nails into his back as he leaves a trail of hickies along my collarbone and up my neck. He nibbles at my ear, knowing that that's my biggest weakness. He smiles to himself as I let out a small moan. Goose bumps erupt over my skin as he slides his tongue along my bare stomach. Suddenly there's a loud knock on the door, and Rick comes barreling in not waiting for a response. Daryl quickly pushes himself off of me. We both sit up. I pull the blanket up over my chin feeling completely and utterly exposed. 

"Oh..Oh God!" Rick yells disgusted from where he stands by the door. His hands fly quickly over his eyes, so he's sure he won't see anything. "Jesus Katie." He laughs at the two of us. "My bad!" He calls to us as he backs out of the room closing the door as soon as he's out. I lay my head back against the pillow completely horrified. I turn on my side, supporting my head with my elbow when I hear Daryl howling with laughter. 

"I'm glad you think this is funny." I try to say seriously. I can't help but smile.  "Your an ass." I say laughing with Daryl whose eyes are starting to water from laughter.  It's been so long since i've heard him laugh I almost forgot what it sounded like. I realize how much I've truly missed him. I lay my head gently against his chest, careful not to hurt him. He wraps his arm around me, finally starting to quiet down. 

"Shit I think I almost blew a stitch." He says still laughing a little. He realizes how quiet I got. "You alright?" He asks suddenly serious. I nod.

"I just missed you." He smiles, snuggling me closer. He kisses my forehead. I listen closely to his gentle breaths, his heart beating gently in my ear. The steady beating of his heart lulling me into a deep sleep.

**Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so short. Thank you all so much for all the support I've been getting. I absolutely love getting comments from you guys. Please let me know what ya'll think of this chapter! <3 <3 <3**

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