Chapter 27

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Katie's POV

The weak morning sun shines into Beth and Maggie's room as I slowly pull myself from my slumber. I smile down at Bethy who is cuddled tightly to my chest, still sound asleep. I gently wipe her messy blonde hair from her face. It has been about a week or two since we arrived at the farm. Carl is still in rough shape. He's been in and out of consciousness since the surgery, but Hershel is confident he will begin to recover soon. My leg has healed almost completely since our first night here. It is still painful to walk, but I push through it anyway, refusing to use the crutches any longer. Shane and I have been distant. I spend most of my time helping the girls around the farm, and now that I am well enough Daryl and I have been going out to search for Sarah. We still haven't found her...but Beth reminds me everyday that anything can happen as long as I keep hope. Everyone, even Jimmy have been pitching in to help find her. We had gun training a few days ago, but Hershel insists on us keeping our guns stored away while we are here. Shane hates the idea, and I would definitely feel more safe with my gun especially after we found that walker in one of the wells. Our group lowered Glenn in and it almost got him killed. This place may be preserved from the outside world, but it still isn't safe. Beth and Maggie have become like family to me. Little Bethy follows me everywhere, we only separate when I go into the woods with Daryl. Her bright smile gives me hope, that even after everything there is still some good left in this world. 

"Bethy.." I whisper gently as I rub her hair. "Bethy it's time to wake up." I smile at her as she blinks her eyes open. She smiles and slowly pulls herself out of bed, letting out a small groan. I sit up as she looks over at Maggie's empty bed.

"Where's Maggie?" She asks sleepily.

"I'm sure she just went to start feeding the animals." I say with a smile. Everyday the three of us make our rounds, and feed all of the animals before everyone else wakes up. We both get changed and head down stairs. We pull on our rubber boots that sit by the door and walk side by side out to the barn where they keep the cows. Sure enough Maggie was hard at work  feeding all of the cows. She smiles at us as we approach her.

"Mornin" She chirps.

"You're up early." I say.

"Figured I'd get a head start. I'm goin' on a run with the Asian guy soon."

"Glenn." I say laughing. "His name is Glenn." I stop laughing when I see the worry on Bethy's face.

"You're leavin'?" She asks quietly. Maggie nods.

"We're getting low on a few things..Glenn was gonna go alone, but he doesn't know where he's goin'. I'm just takin' him to the Pharmacy on the edge of town." I wrap my arm around Beth's shoulders.

"Glenn's done stuff like this tons of times. She'll be fine. Don't worry." I say with a smile. She nods, not convinced.

"I'm just about done here but the horses still need hay."

"We can take care of it." I say letting go of Beth. "You should get ready to go." She nods.

"Thank you." She kisses Beth on the check then heads out of the barn. Beth and I stay back and pet the cows.

"You ok?" I ask her noticing her sullen face.

"Just worried about Maggie that's all." I nod.

"Well, the only thing we can do for her right now is get the horses hay." She lets out a small laugh. "Come on, maybe if we hurry we'll be able to see her before she leaves." She nods and we head to the horse stable. I clean out the stalls and Beth lays down the fresh hay. Nelly rears on her hind legs, I stumble away, avoiding her flailing hooves. I fall back, landing on my butt outside her stall. Beth runs to my side. I grip my gunshot wound that was throbbing with pain.

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