Chapter 59

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This town is a graveyard. The skeletons of the life we once knew rotting away as that lifetime gets further and further away. Houses decaying, tarnished by the apocalypse. I think about the past as I walk through this desiccated place, remembering the world the way it was before. A world where such trivial things like schooling and wealth ranked our place in society. It's survival of the fittest now, I suppose it always was, just not as literal as it is now. Politics, race, sexuality, religion all separated us, created barriers between people because of their differences. It's us against the dead now, nothing else matters. It's sad that it took the end of the world to bring us all together, that death and destruction were the only things that could make people come together as one. I'm ripped from my thoughts as I hear muffled conversation from down the road. I duck behind the nearest building, pressing my back against the wall as I listen intently to the people approaching.

"The hell? They stopped...." I hear someone say.

"You think something happened? Why else would she stop?" I recognize his deep southern voice even from this distance. I jump from behind the building.

"Daryl!" I cry hysterically. I run to him, closing the distance between us. I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he spins me around. "You're okay!" I cry kissing him with so much passion I almost forget my brother is standing right beside us. I place my hands on both of his cheeks, admiring his beautiful face. "Don't ever make me leave you again." I beg. He sets me down, pulling me into his chest as he does.

"Never again." He promises, placing a loving kiss on my forehead.

"Uh look...guys...I really hate to break up this love fest but I'm starving man. Where's everyone else? Did y'all find any food?" T-dog asks. Daryl and I pull away from each other, I can't help but smile.

"We're hunkered down in a grocery store not far from here, come on I'll take you."

"Lori? Carl?" Rick asks me.

"They're okay, everyone's okay." I say proudly. Daryl wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk. He raises his eyebrows at me, taking notice of the squirrel hanging off of the backpack.

"I see you've been paying attention." He smirks.

"Only because my teacher is so fun to look at." I laugh, smirking back at him. Shane may have taught me to use a knife, but I never would've known how to track if it wasn't for Daryl. He leans down kissing me, without missing a step. I can't even begin to express how much I love this man. He's made me whole again, filled me with such a powerful love when I thought all hope was lost. I knock on the door when we reach the grocery store, waiting for an answer. Glenn's head peaks through the newspaper lining the glass. He smiles at the sight of us, unlocking the door. Rick rushes to his wife and son, T heading straight for the food. I go to take a step inside, but Daryl grabs my hand stopping me. He nods his head, indicating away from the store. I shrug at Glenn and he closes the door as Daryl pulls me away. He drags me around the side of the building.

"Daryl what are yo-.." he cuts me off grabbing my waist as he pulls me into him. He backs me into the side of the building, pressing me into the wall as he kisses me. The brick scratches against my back as he removes my shirt, throwing it aside. His rough calloused hands caress my bare skin, his eyes glowing with lust as he continues exploring my body with his tongue....

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