Chapter 44

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I run outside and see Shane, Carl's shirt balled tightly in his fists.  He drags Carl out of the shed Randall is being held in and shoves him away, sending him scrambling in the dirt. I run to his side as Rick helps him to his feet. Shane charges into the shed after Randall. He leans down getting real close, I can see Randall trembling from here.

"What the hell did you say to him?" Shane screams in his face, Shane's gun pointed firmly at the space between his eyes. "What did you say?" He shakes his gun angrily in Randall's face.

"Nothin', I didn't say nothin'!" Randall answers, panicking. He squirms and fights against the handcuffs, trying to get as far away from Shane as he possibly can.  

"You like talking so damn much hmm? Open your mouth!" Shane yells. "Open your mouth we're gonna handle this right now!" He shoves his gun against Randall's lips but he keeps them sealed whimpering as Shane continues to scream. Carl and I watch with wide eyes. Horror and shock shivering through my body, I've never seen him like this. He was far passed angry, he was livid. The look in his eyes was similar to that of a wolf prowling on it's prey. I almost couldn't recognize him. Even Rick seemed frightened.

"Shane! Not now! Not like this!" Rick yells, pulling Shane's attention away from a terrified Randall. "Get the hell out of there!" Rick demands. "Now!" He pauses but the grip on his gun doesn't falter.

"Shane please." I beg. He looks to me, and I see something flicker behind his eyes. Shame? Regret? I'll never know. He lowers his head, holstering his gun. He storms out, smashing his shoulder into Rick's as he passes. As soon as he is out I slam the door closed, creating a barrier between Randall and I. I can still hear his terrified cries, begging me for help as we walk further away from the shed.

"What in the world were you thinking?" Rick asks Carl, angrily.

"Please don't tell mom."

"That so wasn't cool buddy, you could've gotten seriously hurt in there." I add.

"I can handle myself." He says, standing up taller.

"You don't go near him again, you hear me?" Rick says firmly. He nods, hanging his head.

"You won't tell mom..will you?" He asks us.

"Carl this isn't about getting in trouble okay? Buddy people like him...they'll say anything to get you to listen to them, they'll try to get in your head, make you feel bad for them so you'll lower your guard. You lower your guard down out here...people die." I say obviously upset by the thought of losing him. "Just do me a favor and be more careful, okay? We love you Carl and the last thing we want is to see you get hurt."

"I'm not a kid anymore Katie. I know how to take care of myself." He spits back defensively.

"Carl what has gotten into you?" Rick asks him surprised by his sudden change in attitude.

"You saw what happened to Sarah!" He yells. "That could have been me o-or Sophia! I'm old enough now to take care of myself now. I need to protect us...all of us!" He proclaims, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. I lower my head sadly, images of that beautiful, innocent little girl floating around painfully in my mind.

"You're right Carl. You are old enough to take care of yourself, which means you should know running into danger like that is not the way to go. I don't care how old you are you are still a child, MY child, which means you will treat your Aunt Katie with respect. We are all just trying to protect you. We always will, no matter how old you get." He nods.

"Yes, sir." He replies.

"That's my boy. Now go find your ma." He nods and starts to walk away, but he stops and runs over to me wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

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