Chapter 64

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Katie's POV

I wake with a start, unsure of where I am. The smell of walker blood has been washed from my skin, my clothes are different. My body aches as I push myself up into a sitting position. I peer into the darkness, straining my eyes trying to get some sort of idea where the hell I am. I freeze, my body going ridged as I hear something stir beside me. I reach for the knife in my boot, but the knife along with my shoes are gone. I feel naked, exposed, defenseless. I pull my knees to my chest, afraid to move or speak. I flinch as a match sparks to life beside me, giving off just enough light to see who beholds it. He uses it to ignite an old lantern.

"Daryl?" I choke out.

"Katie." He whispers happily. "You're awake." He sits up taking my face in his hands. The flame from the lantern dancing across his watery blue eyes.

"It worked?" I sob. "You're all okay? Ella? She's okay?" I cry happily. He nods.

"Yean baby it worked. You did it. You saved us. You saved her. She's sound asleep with Maggie." He whispers, rubbing his thumb across my cheek. I throw myself into his arms, unable to contain how happy I am to see his beautiful face. Nothing could have made me happier than knowing they're safe. My baby girl is safe. I bury my face in his neck soaking up every second wrapped in his embrace. "God Katie I love you so fucking much." I look up at him with tears running down my cheeks.

"I love you too." I sob. "I'm so sorry I didn't have time to explain. I had to do something...I couldn't just sit by and watch everyone I love get hurt." He pushes the stray hair out of my face.

"I know baby, I know." He watches my face intently. "I thought I lost you." He sobs. I kiss him softly, lovingly.

"I'm here now. I'm here." I whisper against his lips. He caresses my face then kisses me, the emotion in his touch so intense it's unreal. He pauses, resting his forehead against mind.

"I don't ever...ever want to lose you again. The thought of going on without of tore me apart..." He whispers. His voice so raw, so full of pain and love. Seeing this side of him, this soft gentle vulnerable side of him makes my heart swell. I press my lips to his, letting my actions fill in the spaces words never could. The love I have for this man spilling out of me with every brush of my skin against his. We pull away when we notice the others begin to stir. The gentle morning sun, just starting to peek its way through the windows. I see my big brother stand from beside his sleeping wife and child.

"Rick!" I whisper as I climb to my feet. He turns to me, his face immediately glowing. I run to him, wrapping my arms around his waist the second I reach him. He wraps his arms around me erupting in quiet laughter.

"I'm so glad to you're okay." He smiles.

"We all are." Lori adds as she joins the conversation. I give her a quick hug then turn to Maggie you comes charging at me.

"You scared the shit out me!" She chuckles, playfully punching me in the arm.

"I missed you too." I say with a laugh as she gives me the biggest hug. I pull away whrn i see Beth approaches us, my beautiful baby girl cradled gently in her arms. Tears threaten to spill as I take Ella into my arms.

"Hi sweet girl." I coo softly to her. "Hi baby." She giggles and i can't help but cry. This incredible, perfect little baby happy as can be. "Mommy's sorry she had to go, yes i am." I say playfully, wiggling my finger back and forth as her little hand wraps around it. God, i cant even begin to express how much i love this little girl. I can't even imagine what i would have done if they had been gone when i came back. I couldnt stand to live without them. Daryl comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He bends down, resting his chin on my shoulder as he watches Ella play happily in my arms. He kisses my check, leaning his head against mind.

"I love you with my entire heart Katherine Grimes." He whispers. I turn to him, caressing his face with one hand and rocking the baby in the other. I put my thumb on his chin and pull his face closer to mine, kissing him lovingly.

"I love you too." I say as i gaze into his mesmerizing cloudy blue eyes.

"We're going to find a home, make a home. Together. I promise." He says with a small smile. I nod.

"I know we will baby."


And with that Katie smiles at her little family, cheerishingly these priceless little moments. Looking to the future with a renewed sense of hope.

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