Chapter 66

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I jolt awake to the sound of walkers, scratching trying to pry their way their into the car. Complete and utter terror explodes through my body when I realize I'm alone. They wouldn't have left me. They couldn't have. I think to myself trying to rationalize with the panic swirling around in my mind. I hear Ella's desperate cries but they're distant... I reach for the gun in my boot, checking the magazine before sliding the sunroof open and pulling myself up onto the roof. I frantically search for her, for anyone. I want to cry, scream for my family but I know it will only attract more walkers. Come on Katie think! Think! There has to be some way out of this. I see a flash of yellow fabric run between a few of the trees in the woods lining the road out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see who it was, but there's nothing, no one. I have to get out of here, I have to find Ella. I shoot a few of the walkers leaving just enough of a gap for me to jump down. I cry out in pain as I twist my ankle, landing wrong on one of the walkers. The sound draws the others to me. They grab at me, yanking at my clothes as I fight my way through. I shove through the last of the walker in my way, running as fast as my injured ankle will allow me. I take shelter in the woods. I spin around looking for the source of Ella's cries. A direction to go in, something, anything. I breath heavily as I continue to panic. Her cry is echoing, bouncing in every way i turn. I run along the road, keeping my cover in the woods, searching for any sign of them. Her screams surround me, the only thing i can think about is finding her. I see another glimpse of yellow and something tells me to follow it.

"Hey! Wait!" I whisper in a panic. I chase after them. We break into a clearing, and finally I see them, standing in the middle of the clearing all alone. Ella cradled in the arms of a child...a child in yellow. Her long blonde hair hangs over her face as she looks down at my sweet rose. Walkers edging their way into the clearing. I approach them, but the child doesn't move. Ella writhes and screams in her arms. "It's okay sweetie, come here, bring me the baby, it's okay." I talk to her, trying to hide the panic in my voice. The walkers are inching closer by the second. We need to go now. I reach from the child as I approach them, but I freeze when she lifts her head. "Sarah?" I sob. She smiles but it isn't her, it's evil, twisted.

"You're already too late." She laughs. I blink, shock overwhelming my mind. When I reopen my eyes her eyes are grey, her skin decaying from her tiny body.

"No!" I sob. "NO!" I scream, a horrifying blood curdling sound as she rips into my sweet baby girl. I drop my knees, overwhelmed with grief and guilt. I sob uncontrolably my whole body quaking with each cry. The walkers surrounding me continue to close in, but I don't care. My sweet little rose is gone. Nothing matters anymore. I feel the first walkers cold dead hands grasp at my shoulder but I don't fight it. I'm ready.

I jump from my slumber just as the walker sinks it's teeth into my neck. I shiver covered in cold sweat. I look around in a panic, scared and confused. Daryl grabs my hand.

"Hey, you're okay. It's okay. It was just a dream. You're okay." I lean forward, resting my head in my hands. A dream. It was all just some stupid dream. He rubs my back with his free hand, our sleeping baby girl in the other. I sit up, leaning into him. He kisses the top of my head, running his hand over my hair. I watch Ella as she sleeps, my heart still aching at the the sight of her death.

"God, Daryl it was awful." I whisper, choking back tears. He leans his head against mine.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asks sweetly.

"No, I just.... it felt so real."

"I've you now, everything's going to be okay." He whispers comfortingly. I nod against his chest. Just a dream....

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