Chapter 35

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I squeeze my eyes shut, my breathing quick and uneasy. The world spins around me, everyone's panicked voices blurring into silence as I lose myself in my thoughts. I don't want to go back on the road, the hunger, the cold sleepless nights, the constant fear. I shiver. Lori's gentle voice pulls me from my panic.

"Come on sweetie, lets get you inside. Rick will handle him." She says referring to Shane.

"This is bullshit man and you know it!" I hear Shane scream at Rick as Lori helps me too my feet.

"I'll talk to Hershel, we'll handle this." Rick says calmly.

"H-he can't. He can't say anything to Hershel." I whisper quickly.

"Don't worry about it Katie, just slow down. Breath."

"Hershel wants us to leave." I pant, my chest aching. Her eyes widen. "Please you have to tell Rick not to say anything, he'll make us leave." I beg tears gathering at the rims of my eyes. Lori waves to Dale and he comes over.

"Jesus, what's going on." Dale says as wraps his arm around my waist supporting me.

"She's having a panic attack." Lori says calmly. "I need you to take her inside, have her lay down. I need to talk to Rick." She says before hurrying over to Rick. She pulls him away from Shane, taking him aside. My legs feel weak, my head fuzzy.

"Come on Katie breath, we're almost there." I see Shane run over, but I'm too dizzy to say anything. Suddenly I feel my feet lift up off the ground.

"It's okay, I got you." I hear Shane whisper. I let him carry me, too exhausted to object. He hurries through the front door. "Get some water." He tells Dale. He goes to the kitchen and comes back with cold water. I sit with my head in between my knees, trying to get my breath back. Shane sits on the couch beside me. He holds out the water, I shake my head. "Come on Katie you know the drill, drink the water." I take the water.

"This has happened before?" Dale asks.

"Since she was a kid." Shane answers. "She hasn't had one this bad since..well since the outbreak." I drink the water. The cool liquid soothing my burning lungs. Shane places his hand on my back. I flinch at his touch, but he doesn't pull away.

"The hells goin on?" Daryl asks angrily as he slams his door open. I set the empty glass on the table take deep breathes. "Get the hell away from her." Daryl growls at Shane. Shane lifts his hands up in surrender. I stand slowly, my breathing almost back to normal. Shane goes to grab my arm to help me balance, but Daryl snarls like an animal and Shane backs off. I go to him, enveloping myself in his embrace. I close my eyes, burying my face in his neck. He leans his head gently against mine. He holds me tight, running his hand up and down my back. "What the hell happened?" He asks.

"There are walkers in the barn." Dale answers.

"China man new this whole damn time." Shane says angrily.

"He's Korean." Daryl growls.

"No one gives a shit man, he could've gotten us all killed!" Shane screams.

"You know what, shut the hell up Shane. He fucked up. You should understand that more than anyone." Daryl says calmly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Shane asks, standing up off of the couch.

"You fucked up big time and you know it." Daryl says, knowing he's getting under his skin.

"Both of you knock it off! This isn't what Katie needs right now. Get your heads out of your own asses and focus on what matters." Dale yells before storming out. Shane scoffs then storms out the door behind him. Daryl looks down at me apologetically. He runs his hand over my hair.

"You okay?" He asks gently. 

"I'm scared." I say quietly.

"RICK?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I hear someone scream.

**Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. I hope ya'll still like it! <3 <3**

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