Chapter 34

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I wake up to the feeling of Daryl running his fingers through my thick wavy hair. I slowly blink my eyes open, the soft morning light pouring in through the windows.

"Mornin'" Daryl says smiling down at me, his voice still raspy from sleep. I smile, stretching a little.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, as I sit up beside him.

"Best I've slept in weeks." He answers, wrapping his arm around me. I sit up suddenly on guard when we a small knock on the door. Daryl grunts in response and the door opens slowly. I clench my teeth immediately overwhelmed with rage when Andrea walks in.

"Hey.." She says nervously. Her eyes shift from the ground up to me then back to Daryl. "I'm so sorry..I feel like shit." I dig my nails into the bed sheets, trying to keep my cool.

"You and me both." Daryl says calmly.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, but if there's anything I can do.." Daryl cuts her off.

"You were trying to protect the group, we're good." She sighs, her faces full of relief. "But hey, shoot me again, and you best pray I'm dead." She laughs nervously. She looks to me.

"Rick's having gun training again today, he's planning a search party for Sarah after everyone's trained. Just thought you'd want to know." I nod, staying quiet. She acknowledges the awkward silence filling the room as her queue to leave. She turns and leaves without saying another word.

"Ugh I hate her." I grumble, as soon as the door closes.

"What happened between you two?" Daryl asks curiously.

"She shot you!" I say frustrated.

"Even before that." Daryl says unfazed by my attitude. "Back at the quarry ya'll were so close. You barely left her side."

"Amy died." I say quietly. "Amy died and she changed. I don't even know who she is anymore." I get up out of bed, not wanting to think about it anymore. I grab my shirt of off the floor and pull it on. "I should get ready." I say heading for the door.

"Wait I'll come with you." He says eagerly, struggling to get out of the bed.

"You need time to heal." I say gently. He leans back in bed with a groan. I smile, pulling the blankets back over him. "Get some rest. I'll be back as soon as I can I promise." I kiss his forehead then turn to leave. He grabs my hand, stopping me. He pulls me closer then leans forward, pressing his lips hard against mine. I sit beside him on the bed losing myself in his kiss. Butterflies explode in my stomach as I feel his tongue brush against my bottom lip. I pull away after a moment, breathing heavily.

"Don't go." He pleads.

"You know I have to.." I say quietly staring into his mesmerizing eyes.

"I know." He grumbles. He leans back against the bed crossing his arms, his lip pouted like a child begging for candy. I laugh at him.

"Be careful okay?" He says, getting serious.

"Always." I smile, getting to my feet. I place a gentle kiss on his lips then I leave, heading upstairs to the girls's room where all of my clothes are.  When I walk in Beth is laying on her bed reading a book. She closes her book, sitting up as soon as she see's me.

"Where were you last night? You never came in." She asks worriedly.

"I..I was with Daryl." I say, fighting back a smile.

"All night?" She asks confused. I give her a second to catch up. "Oohhh." She says finally catching on. I laugh at her, her eyes wide. "Did..did you know.."

"No..." I answer. I sit beside her on the bed. "Rick walked in..."

"Oh God!" She cries. "Did you at least have your clothes on??" She asks disgusted. I cover my face with my hands, laughing. "Forget it. I don't wanna know." She laughs. I decide to change the subject.

"Rick's having gun practice today are you gonna go?" She looks down at her hands.

"Daddy doesn't want us to use guns." She answers quietly.

"Maybe some other time then?" I say trying to bring her mood back up. She nods. I stand. "I gotta get ready, we're heading out soon." She nods and picks her book back up. I go to the drawer Maggie has been letting me keep my clothes in. I pull out a pair of jeans, a flannel, and a plain black shirt to go underneath. I grunt in frustration when I find that I can no longer button my jeans. I sigh rubbing my baby bump. I'm not entirely sure how far along I am, four or five months I think, and my clothes are already getting too small. I groan and wiggle my jeans off, tossing them to the side. Beth looks up from her book, her eyebrow raised.

"Leggings it is then." I say rummaging through my drawer. I hear her stifle a laugh as I  quickly change. I grab Beth's hiking boots from the closet. "I'm gonna be out for awhile, can I borrow these?" I ask her.

"Course." She says with a smile. I pull them on, sitting on the bed to lace them.

"Kate!" I hear Rick calling me from up the stairs.

"Coming!" I call back to him. I give Beth a quick kiss on the cheek then I hurry down the stairs. Everyone is already gathered around the fire pit, the coals still warm from last night. I sit on a log beside Lori. Everyone is waiting for Glenn to get back with breakfast.

"Hey you." She says with a smile.

"Hey." I smile back.

"How are feeling?" She asks sweetly.

"Good. I feel good." Just then Glenn walks up to the group. "Hey peach man." I say jokingly. He doesn't laugh, he doesn't even smile. My stomach sinks. Something's wrong, very wrong.

"There's something I need to tell you guys..." He says nervously.

"Glenn, what's going on?" I ask fear racing through my blood like ice.

"T-there are walkers in the barn." He says quietly. I stare at him, my mouth hanging open in complete shock. My head is spinning, my heart beat deafening in my ears. Lori jumps to her feet.


"How long have you known?" Rick asks.

"Since yesterday." Glenn answers hanging his head.

"You let us sleep here out in the open like this knowing there are walkers not even 30 feet away from us!?" Shane screams. His voice ripping through me like a knife. I shiver.

"He told us now, that's what matters." Dale pipes in. I wrap my arms protectively around my belly, feeling scared and exposed. I've dealt with walkers before, sleeping with one eye open afraid to leave myself so vulnerable, but I thought I was safe here. We hadn't seen any walkers within a mile of the house the entire time we've been here, and now I find out we've been sleeping right beside them. I don't hear the rest of the conversation, my mind goes blank. The only thing I can think about is the certain danger we're all in.

***Author's Note: Sorry for the crappy chapter! Thank you all so much for all of the comments I've been getting!! I am so grateful for you all! <3**

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