Chapter 25

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The sound of Lori's familiar voice pulls me from my slumber. I hear her talking to Hershel outside the door.

"Ok..just so I understand. When Shane gets back with this other man.."


"Otis...the idiot who shot half my family." She says angrily.

"Ma'am it was an accident."

"I'll take that under advisement later. For now he's the idiot that shot two of the people closest to me." She spits back. I can't help but smile.

"Lori they're doin' everythin' they can to make it right." Lori ignores Rick's comment.

"So as soon as they get back you can perform this surgery?"

"I'll certainly do my best."

"Okay..I mean you have done this procedure before?"

"Well..yes in a sense."

"In a sense?" She questions.

"Honey we don't exactly have the luxury of shopping for a surgeon." Rick says softly.

"No, I understand that..but you are a Doctor..Right?" She asks Hershel.

"Yes ma'am of course. A vet."

"A veteran? A combat medic?" She asks hopefully.

"A veterinarian." He answers quietly.

"And you've done this surgery before on what..cows, pigs?" She asks frantically. "I-I need to sit." She mumbles before walking into the room Carl and I are in.

"Lori." I smile.

"Katie you're awake." She sighs happily and sits on the edge of the bed beside me. "I'm so glad you're alright." She says, gently tucking some stray hair out of my face.

"When did you get here?" I ask happily.

"A little while ago, we didn't want to wake you. Glenn and T are here too. The rest of the group stayed on the highway...incase Sarah finds her way back." I nod, extremely grateful that they stayed back for her. "Glenn and T wanted to stay and keep looking too, but T hurt his arm. Hershel thinks he's got a blood infection."

"How is he?" I ask worriedly.

"He'll be just fine, Hershel gave him some antibiotics that should knock it right out of his system." I look out the window and realize it's nearly dark. I carefully pull myself up.

"It's almost dark..Shane's still not back??"

"Not yet, but I'm sure they'll be back any minute. Shane can take care of himself. You've got nothing to worry about." I sigh.

"'re probably right." Beth walks in with Maggie.

"Good you're awake." Beth chirps.

"What's up?"

"Daddy's gonna have to do the surgery soon and we figured you probably won't want to be in here...while he' know.." Lori shifts uncomfortably watching her sleeping baby boy.

"We figure you could stay in our room with us...if you want." Maggie says with a smile.

"I think that's a great idea." Hershel says as he walks in, a pair of crutches in his hands. "I found these in the basement,  they should help you get around when you're feeling up to it." I push the blankets off of me.

"Awesome, let's give it a go."

"Katie are you sure? You don't want to push yourself too soon. Maybe you should rest some more." Lori insists protectively.

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