Chapter 43

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When I awaken Daryl is still sound asleep. The weak morning sun peaking in through the curtains. I could only have slept an hour or two but I know I won't be able to fall back to sleep so I sneak out of bed tip toeing out of the room. I slip on my socks and shoes that i left sitting by the doorway. I slowly open the door trying to be quiet. My heart jumps out of my chest when the door creaks, ripping through the silence. I pause making sure no one woke up then I sneak outside, closing the door carefully behind me. I take a deep breath soaking in the fresh morning air. I pull my hair back into a pony tail, sliding my worn down hair tie off of my wrist. I sit in one of the rocking chairs, leaning my head back. I close my eyes, listening to all the noises of the morning. I must have dozed off because I don't even hear the door open. I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Woah, hey baby it's just me." Daryl says gently.

"Sorry...did I wake you?" He sits in the chair next to me.

"Nah, I woke up and you were gone just wanted to make sure you were alright. You okay?" I hang my head. "Baby you know you can talk to me right?"

"I's just...I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid of what you'll think of me...if I tell you this I-i can't take it back...i." He stops me.

"Hey...look at me..." I turn to him.

"Nothing...and I mean nothing could ever make me see you any differently than I do right now. I love you baby, that ain't gonna change."

"Promise?" I ask, tearfully.

"With everything I have." He says grabbing my hand. "What's this about?"


"That stupid kid in the barn?" I nod. He sees the terrified look on my face.  "Okay, I'm listening." I can feel my hand shaking within his. Ever ounce of my body is screaming for me to run. I don't want to face this I want escape, but I stay. I squeeze his hand and let it all out. I tell him everything. When I'm done. I look up at him. His eyes are glossy, his face blank. He pulls his hand away from me. My heart aches for him to say something, anything, but he doesn't.

"Daryl?" I cry. "Please...say something." He stands without saying a word, his fists clenched. "Daryl?" I whimper.

"I'm gonna kill 'im." He says quietly. He grabs the axe Jimmy had been using to chop wood and storms off the porch. I panic.

"Daryl wait! No! Please!" I scream, chasing after him. He hacks at the lock on the shed with the axe. "Daryl I'm begging you please, please!" All of the commotion wakes the others. Rick runs over, his gun in his hand.

"What is it, what's going on?" He asks suddenly wide awake.

"Don't." I beg Daryl. "Please don't." Tears stream down my face.

"This son of a bitch let his friends have their way with your baby sister, while he watched. He fucking watched!" Daryl screams, absolutely livid. "And you brought him here! You let him in here, you helped him!" I cry hysterically. Rick looks to me his face white as a ghost.

"What? Katie what is he talking about." He asks weakly. I shake my head gawking at him, i can't bring myself to tell him. Not my big brother, I can't. Daryl smashes through the lock. Dropping the axe and body slamming through the door. I rush in after him. Randalls handcuffed to the wall his wrists rubbed raw from trying to escape. He squirms and pulls against them, his eyes screaming with fear.

"No, don't hurt me! Please! Please!" He begs. Daryl closes in on him, then suddenly Randall turns to me. "Katherine! Katie...Katie please! Please you know me! Please don't let him hurt me!" My stomach is in my throat, his voice sending chills down my spine.

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