Im Back

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~Liam P.O.V~

I woke up feeling good I was warm in bed with Samantha. She wasn’t close to me just o her side facing away from me and I was flat on my back. We didn’t cuddle last night because I don’t know after her nap she started acting weird toward me showing me no affection and it saddened me I was going to ask before she meets my parents what wrong. I got up and walked to the bathroom and showered fast putting on my boxers with some trackies and ruffling my hair so it was just a messy hair style and went to the kitchen to already see no one is awake after all it was just Zayn, Samantha and I staying in my parents’ house and Louis and Harry were at a hotel with Niall everyone else that worked for us stayed in the tour bus. I got out the pancake mix and bacon and started cooking and was about to get the orange juice for Sam and Zayn when a grumbling Zayn who was grumbling profanities under his breath.

“To early” I laughed at him questioningly.

 He glared at me and sat at the table getting his plate I served him and I walked over setting some orange juice next to his plate so he can eat.

“So where is Sam?” he asked. I shrugged giving him the sign that I’ll be right back. I walked up to my room where Sam and I are sleeping and set down a tray with her food and beverage on it with a note saying Zayn and I are downstairs in the kitchen. I walked back to Zayn who switched the TV on looked to get more food I sat down across from him.

“She is still asleep” I said he furrowed his eyebrows.

“I would’ve thought she would have woken up with thought her LiLi teddy bear” he said winking at me I shook my head getting remembered that we didn’t cuddle or show affection all afternoon yesterday and he’s right usually she would wake up but she didn’t. Zayn must of saw the look on my face caused his joking face was covered by concern.

“What happened Li you guys were doing great” he asked I shrugged.

“I don’t know yesterday she was tired and so I cuddle next to her and she wanted me to sing to her and she fell asleep in my arms and then after here short nap she ignored me or avoided and situation of affection with me.” I explained. He furrowed his brows again and then he spoke

“You guys aren’t official are you” he asked. I shook my head saying no and his eyes went wide and he bit his lip.

“What Zayn why are you looking at me like that” I asked a little scared.

“She doesn’t want to be with you she saw that giving affection leads you on and she doesn’t want that therefore she is avoiding you and ignoring you” he explained. I mean it did make sense for him to think like that but that can’t be true.

“You’re wrong Zayn she loves me I know she does she has too” I said getting angry that he would think otherwise.

“Liam calm down I’m telling the truth I know how it works it happened with Melissa” he said calmly.

“Melissa really you guys broke up ages ago Zayn your so conceded thinking you know it all maybe the only reason your saying that is cause you don’t like Samantha after the fight you had years ago!” I said rather loudly getting mad.

“Liam stop being in denial she doesn’t love you get over her go with someone who loves you.” He said getting angry too.

“She does Zayn what do you know about love Perrie cheated on you remember and your still with that bitch” I said mad.

“Don’t call her that she beautiful and lovely the opposite of Samantha who broken beyond repair and Liam guess what you’re not a superhero you can’t fix her Liam you can’t stop trying while your ahead.” He said. I didn’t respond Zayn and I never fight like this we never ever did.

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