sweetness kindness fluff and love and marriage

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~Zayn P.O.V~

As I drove down the dark mysterious night with little whit flurries now starting to fizzle through the sky swaying all in zigzag formation so sweetly down to the ground thickly coating it. If cops were around no doubt I would be arrested for driving 2 times the speed limit. Even though me and Liam are in a disagreement he called me and even though I’m pissed at him for one taking me out my beauty sleep and two insulting my past relationship and three clearly downgrading my significant knowledge on love.

I drove down Sean Haggrety passing two figures laying on the ground snuggled close together grasping each other harshly but maybe for warmth. I got off the car pulling my flashlight from the glove department and setting my coat on my shoulders bringing down the sleeves and snuggling into the warmth of it I made my way to the two figures in hope they were Liam and Samantha. I shined my light on them to see yes it was Samantha and Liam. The sight in front of me was sadly depressing.

Liam was holding Samantha tight keeping his hands tightly on her leg with dry blood covering his arms that were slightly bruised but badly slashed. Samantha looked okay a few gashes on her legs but she was unconscious and purple all over. I walked up to see Liam crying fresh wet tears on his cheeks his eyes red and he was turning a purplish on his cheeks and he had a cut in his lip and they were lying on glass and blood with tire marks surrounding him I looked to find Liams car not completely wrecked just dented and smashed in the back.

          “Liam I’m here its Zayn” I said trying to rip his strong grip on Samantha to put him in the passenger side off my car. Once I did I set him in cranked up my heater fully and cover him with my blanket as his body had no warmth and this flesh was cold like ice and his tears were slushy from the weather the snow wasn’t helping either. I picked up Samantha put her in the back she was colder than Liam he might have been ice but she was cold as if someone licked her there tongue would stick she was cold like deep bottom ocean water in the Atlantic where the water was hard and not ice but was packed into a glacier she was so cold I put my jacket on her and but her against my car heater I got into my car and drove back the house in hopes for Sam and Liam. I called Liams house phone in high hopes for the parents to answer.

“Hello, Zayn” I heard the soft sound of Liams mom Karen.

“Karen Something happened I need you to get the heat blankets and anything else to warm someone put piles of blankets next to a blazing fire please” I said screeching in panic that Liam might not make at as he was the one bleeding Samantha just had three little cuts on her legs and a gash in her thigh that looked like it stopped bleeding but she was coldest.

“Zayn ok what happened is Liam alright what about the lovely girl Samantha Geoff is getting the fire started and I have two beds of blanket and milk heating up for hot chocolate.” She said now panicked like me I chuckled as how much she cared for Liam and Samantha a girl she didn’t even know but Karen was liked that cared for anyone she thought cared for Liam and Samantha defiantly cared for Liam or else she would have left the airport. As soon as I got to the house I hopped of and called Karen and Geoff to help with Liam and Samantha. I got Samantha as she was light well Geoff got Liam.

“What happened Zayn” Karen asked as I cleaned Samanthas cuts and set her in the bed covering her with blankets and the heat blanket on all the way and her laying next to the fire. I watched Samantha as Karen and Geoff cleaned up the lots of cut Liam had and the scraped with the gashes that were deep in his arm. Liam was now pale instead of purple he was in the tub with at steamy water in a bathe. Karen, Geoff and I were watching Liam when we heard a cry of pain coming from the Living room. I got up and ran to the living room to see Samantha crying but awake.

“Samantha” I said scrambling to her side. She looked at me with hurt pain sorrow sadness in her eyes full of it.

“Samantha what’s wrong” I asked, she shook her head

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