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I'm warning you now, this is a short update. I'm planning on a second update later. Also, over 500 views?! Why?! Thanks frens! Stay alive
(I mean it) |-/

***Tyler POV***

    Josh had his head on my shoulder.
“What’re you thinking about?” He asked me. I didn’t answer immediately because I was unsure if it would be appropriate to answer honestly. I decided to go for it.
“You.” Josh was quiet for a few seconds, but eventually, he giggled and looked up at me.
“Wanna know what I was thinking about?” Josh asked me.
“You.” He said, smiling. I smiled back, not sure if he was just saying that to be nice or if he really meant it. Josh didn’t seem like he would lie about something like that though, so I decided to trust him.

When I had met him when I woke up from my coma, I knew that I loved him. It was doubtful that he loved me back, but that wouldn’t stop me from telling him how I felt. Even though I hadn’t known him for very long, I felt the need to admit that I loved him.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Of course. What do you want to tell me?” Josh asked, looking up at me with sparkly, chocolate brown eyes. He had the sparkle in his eyes again. His eyes were beautiful. I hesitated to answer, almost backing out.
“I, uh, I… I think I’m in love with you... “ I said quietly. Josh looked into my eyes, and I thought they sparkled more than ever. I dismissed the thought, assuming it was just the lighting or something.
“Um, yeah. Actually, nevermind, I shouldn’t have even-”
“Tyler, it’s okay. I think I love you, too.” Josh smiled at me. I wasn’t sure if I had heard him right. Was he joking? Did he actually mean it? Josh continued to look at me, and I smiled. Maybe, just maybe, he meant it. Maybe he did love me.

    Josh leaned his head back into my shoulder, and we finished the movie. Well, I finished the movie. I heard Josh’s soft snoring after about 20 minutes. I didn’t want to wake him up, so I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep, too. When I woke up, Josh was still next to me, awake, watching something different on TV. I shifted, and Josh almost jumped off of the couch.
“You scared me!”
“Oh, sorry.” I mumbled.
“You planned that, didn’t you?”
“Maybe, maybe not.” He punched my arm playfully.
“Ow! That hurt!”
“Did not.”
“Did to.”
“Did not.”
“Did to.”
“You’re such a faker.”
“Am not!”
“Are to!”

    That went on for a while. Sure, we were acting like 6-year-olds. Did we care? No. We liked playing around with each other like that. As long as we were together, we were happy. It didn’t matter what we did. I liked spending time with Josh, and he liked spending time with me. Well, I hoped he did. If he didn’t, he was an amazing actor.
“Wanna play Mario Kart? I have a-”
Yes! I mean, uh, sure.” Josh laughed and started to set the game up. We playfully argued about who would play as Yoshi. In the end, I let Josh. We played Mario Kart for hours.


     When we finally stopped playing the game, we curled up on the couch, watching a movie.
“Hey Josh?”
“Do you have a job? I mean, how do you have money?” I asked, hoping Josh wouldn't care that I was asking him about his personal stuff.
“Oh, I was in a band for a while. They kicked me out, though. But actually, I get cash in the mail from my parents a lot, since they left me without warning.” Wait. That was exactly how I imagined it while I was in my coma. Josh didn't know about that, and I wanted it to stay that way. He would think I was crazy. Maybe he would be right.

     We fell asleep on the couch together. I woke up to Josh carrying me upstairs, still dark out.
“I love you.” I mumbled. He replied, but I didn't hear what he said because I fell asleep again. I slept through the rest of the night.

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