Twenty One

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I'm really in a writing mood and I have so many ideas, so I might update again in an hour or two. No promises though. This one is kind of short. Ok bye. Stay alive |-/

***Josh POV***

     I held Tyler in my arms. It hurt to see Tyler in pain, even if it wasn't physical pain. I wanted to help him any way I could.
“Is there anything you need?” I asked him.
“Tacos.” Tyler said, giggling. He was so adorable. I laughed too, but I had an idea.
“Okay. Good night.”
“Good night.” He said and closed his eyes. Within minutes, Tyler fell asleep in my arms. Once I was sure he was in a deep sleep and wouldn't wake up if I moved, I carefully removed my arm from his grip and grabbed my phone from the nightstand on my side of the bed. I set an alarm for early the next morning.

      My alarm went off. I turned it off quickly so Tyler didn't wake up. He stirred slightly but fell back into a deep sleep. I carefully got up and made my way to the door. I walked downstairs and put my shoes on, then opened the front door. I waited for a moment, listening to make sure Tyler hadn't woken up. Then, I went outside and started walking. He was going to be surprised. Tyler had been joking around about the tacos, but I knew that really, he was only half kidding. He always wanted tacos. So, I was going to get him some tacos.

     It was difficult to even open the door to Taco Bell. Without Tyler, I was terrified to go anywhere alone. I had to do it, though. It was time for me to battle my fears and do something for Tyler, no matter how pointless my actions were. If Tyler wanted tacos, he was going to get tacos. I walked up to the counter, shaking. The walls seemed to close in on me.
“Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?” The cashier smiled politely.
“Uh, c-can I-I get a, uh, some chicken n-nuggets?” I stuttered. The cashier started at me. Then I realized my mistake.
“Sir, this is Taco Bell. We don't have chicken nuggets.”
“Oh, uh, can I have some chalupas and, uh, tacos?” I asked. The cashier thankfully helped me out by suggesting some food. I didn't really listen, so when she asked if what she suggested was okay, I just smiled and nodded, thanking her.

     When I got the food, I was still shaking so bad, I almost dropped the bag. I had to get back home to Tyler. It took me only about five minutes to run home. When I got back, I set the bag down on the kitchen table and collapsed on the floor. I stayed on the floor taking deep breaths until I heard Tyler walking down the stairs. I got up as fast as physically possible and ran to meet Tyler at the bottom of the stairs.


     “Josh, what's wrong?” Tyler asked me, his concern showing in his eyes.
“I, uh, I went to Taco Bell.”
“What? Why?”
“You said you wanted tacos… So, I got tacos.” I said and pointed towards the kitchen. He lead me into the kitchen and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down as he sat down across from me at the table.
“You didn't have to do that for me, Josh.”
“I know. I wanted to.” Tyler smiled and grabbed my hand.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Ty.”

     Tyler opened the bag of food and handed me something. I ate it, but I wasn't sure what it was. I couldn't taste it. My mind wasn't focusing on my food, it was focusing on Tyler. I thought about Tyler and how much I loved him. I thought about how worried he got when he saw me shaking like that. He loved and cared about me, and that made me extremely happy.

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