Twenty Nine

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Hey. This officially has 1k views?! Thank you all so much! This isn't really a full chapter but whatever. Thanks again. Especially to FISHJISH for being such an amazing fren and for just being fantastic. Stay alive frens |-/

***Josh POV***

    “I love you, Ty.” I murmured next to Tyler's ear. He wasn't listening. It hurt to know that Tyler was in pain, and it hurt more to know that I couldn't do much about it.
“C-Can you still help me?” Tyler asked shakily. I held his hand and traced circles on it with my thumb.
“Ty, of course I can.”
“Are you just saying that?”
“Tyler, look at me.” Tyler didn't look up, so I removed my hand from his and tilted his chin up myself, so we made eye contact. “I love you. I want to help you. Do you know how much it hurt when you told me not to help you?” Tyler shook his head.
“No.” He said quietly.
“It hurt me so much. I just want to help you be happy. Thank you for letting me.” I smiled, hoping it would help Tyler cheer up a little bit. It did. He smiled, too, and after a few minutes, we were both on the floor giggling.

    When we calmed down, we were both too lazy to get up. So, we just stayed on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, talking. Tyler had his head on my chest.
“I love you Josh.”
“I love you too, Ty.” I closed my eyes, but I didn't fall asleep. Tyler must have closed his eyes too, because within minutes, I heard the sound of his soft snoring. I listened to him for a while, but eventually, I drifted off.

    Tyler laid down next to me, but he turned away and faced the wall.
“Ty, why are you mad at me?”
“I'm not. Just leave me alone.”
“Please, Ty. Did I say something wrong?” I didn't understand why Tyler was mad at me. As far as I knew, I hadn't done anything wrong.
“No. It's not you.”
“Then what's wrong?” Tyler rolled over so he faced me.
“Nothing. I just… Need some space.” He got up and walked out. I tried to go after him, but by the time I could reach the stairs, I heard the sound of the front door being slammed shut. Tyler was gone. I was alone.

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