School is my hell

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Cassie's POV

I sighed as I felt like I was going to cry. Today was the first day of school after Winter Break. It's still really cold out. I didn't want to go back. If I wasn't constantly harassed I would love it, but I am. I would love to get away from my mom who always drinks and my dad whose always out.

I groggily rolled out of bed and almost fell onto the floor, my purple and blue hair sliding over my face in tangles.

I stood up, throwing the blanket that had tangled my legs back onto the bed and pulled the string of my lamp, turning on a light.

I walked over to my closet, my feet dragging across the soft, white carpet.

I slipped on my skinny jeans that hugged my legs right and were torn below the knees. I slipped on my favorite Motionless In White shirt, and a Black Veil Brides "Rebels" jacket.

I laced up my combat boots over my jeans and clipped on a choker that had a red ruby heart charm.

I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and put on all my makeup. I honestly cannot see any beauty in myself whatsoever. No matter how much makeup I use, I will never be attractive. It's a thought over and over in my head. Pretty is something I always want to aim for like a dartboard but I always miss.
I then straightened my naturally, very curly hair.

I had on a black ring with a ruby in the center on my middle finger of my right hand.

I slipped my earbuds into my ears and put my phone In my back pocket as I blasted Motionless In White's Devil's Night and slipped my shoulder bag over my shoulder and headed downstairs.

I saw my mom passed out on the living room couch, a bottle of vodka empty, and laying sideways on the coffee table. I rolled my eyes and noticed my dad wasn't home yet.

I sighed and just walked right out the door.

"I know the only words that you have for me
Are give up and get out
You'd like to think that we've been beaten
But we're here to stay
Forever and always"

I sighed again as I made my way down the sidewalk. Chris' words soothed me all the time.

I knew in reality though, he'd think I'm a self-harming freak. My mom never listened, my dad never cared and my brother left to play with his band. His name's Ricky. Yep. Ricky Olson. Ricky Horror. Motionless In White's guitarist.

He never knew much anything about me. He never stayed around long enough to find out. He left when I was around 14, he was about 22. We started growing apart when I was only 12. He was always talking with his best friend, Chris or out with some of his friends, and I was home with our parents who'd drink, go out, you name It.

The fact that Ricky could just not bother to even talk to me about it or come see me now made me hurt inside and out. It felt like he hated me to the point he didn't wanna even talk to me. Everyone else at school hates me and so do my parents. People shouldn't be scared of their parents and yet I am.

I always walked to school because the bus was absolute torture. I sighed as I saw the school in the distance and I turned up my music louder, blocking out any sounds around me. I don't really like the external world but yet here I am. Walking to school.

When I was halfway there, It began to rain and I smiled. I loved the rain. It was calming, and It helped me just relax and forget my parents and everything else going on around me.

Then, I felt someone tug out my earbuds "Hey, Gothie, What're we listening to today?" It was Evan. We hated each other and he hated me more. he is one of my many tormentors. He put my earbuds in his ears "Oh, I get it, Emo Screamo, Satanic garbage." He said and threw my earbuds back at me, and I just kept walking and made my way into school and continued listening to Motionless In White's America.

"Still living in one big nightmare
God save the human race
Hanging convicts fame in HD
Glorified ignorance"

I sighed as I walked through the crowds of people, who would suddenly get quiet as I walked past them. I hate it here. I thought to myself and suddenly I was face-first onto the linoleum. ''You're just gonna go by us without a hello?'' I heard a high pitch voice and noticed my earbuds had been knocked out of me. It was Ariana. She has dirty blonde hair, the blue eyes that can stare daggers and kill you inside with just a look, and tan skin, that wasn't too tan or too pale.

She had on a blueish green miniskirt, and a spaghetti strap glittery top with a denim jacket over it. Her pink high heels dug into my ribs, but I didn't show any emotion, as painful as it was.


I slung my bag over my shoulder. There is no way I am staying here all day. I am outta here. I faked throwing up just so they'd send me home. Thank god it worked. I told them not to call my parents and I can easily walk home, being I live close by. Two more weeks.  I kept repeating that in my mind. Two weeks and I am out of highschool for good and I can leave forever and just lead my own life. First place I will be going is Scranton, Pennsylvania to see Ricky. If he would even want to see me after all these years. I would. I haven't seen him in so long. It'd be nice to meet my brother for the first time in forever.

When I got into the house, My mom was up and making lunch. "Why are you home?" She asked with venom dripping from her voice "I was sick so they sent me home early" I said simply and she rolled her eyes "Whatever. go up to your room. I don't wanna see you come out." She said and I nodded and sighed "Oh by the way, your brother is visiting in a few days." She said and I felt a spark of excitement light up inside of me. I smiled. It was my first genuine smile in a long time. "What time?" I asked "around noon.. go to your room. now." She growled and I ran upstairs and into my room, closing and locking the door behind me.

I know it's a few days away, but I still had to look my best to meet my older brother. I didn't want him to think of me as a freak. Just... me.

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