Wake up with amnesia

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Cassie's POV

Today was the day I got to go home. I still haven't remembered anything unless somebody told me what was going on.

Apparently I moved here in Scranton from Seattle after school ended and I tried to take my own life. I'm also best friends with my brother and his band and I'm living with Ricky. So that's my life so far.

"Ready to go?" Chris asked as he came into the room with a bag.
"I brought you clothes" he added and handed me the bag and I smiled and took the bag, and got up and headed into the bathroom to change.

I changed into the black skinny jeans, slip on vans and a Motionless In white tank top with a black hoodie.

I let my hat out of the messy bun and ran a hand through it. That'll work.

I walked out and smiled at Chris. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded and we walked out of the hospital room, and he signed the discharge papers and we were off.

I needed to have this cast on my wrist for a few weeks, as I had a broken wrist.

Chris handed me my phone and I smiled. "Thanks." I said and signed into it quickly and saw I had a few twitter notifications.

I looked in twitter and saw posts from all the guys saying what was going on and telling me get well soon, and also Vinny's situation.

I smiled and liked and retweeted them before posting my own twitter post.

@CassieOlsonXx= Thank you everyone for the wishes well. My heart goes out to Vinny, and I hope he feels well super soon!! <666

After I posted it, I got a bunch of retweets, replies and likes.

Everyone was super nice about everything. There were a few people here and there who blamed me, said I was faking amnesia and other things.

"Ready to go?" Chris broke me out of my thoughts and I realized we had gotten to his car now.

"Yeah" I nodded as he opened the door for me. "Thanks." I said and sat in the car seat as he went around and got into the driver's seat and we were off, back to my brother's house.

"I wish I could remember." I said quietly and felt Chris pet my hair.

He smiled and I returned the gesture. "You will soon. Don't worry." He said and turned on the radio "surely you remember this song at least?" He asked and Linkin Park's In The End began playing over the radio.

I felt a huge smile on my face as we began singing along together.
"You know. Even if you don't remember anything, you're still cool in my book, Cassie." He said and pat my shoulder and I smiled.

"Thanks, Chris." I said as he parked the car and hugged him. I can tell I took him by surprise, but he hugged back nonetheless.

"Lets go see Ricky. He's been waiting all day for you. Had a surprise for you, so he sent me to get you." Chris explained and I smiled and we both got out of the car.

We walked up to the door and I sighed and looked around. It seemed like it should be familiar, but I just couldn't remember it.

It was Ricky's house though, as far as I'm aware. "Come on. Up to your room." Chris said excitedly and I giggled and smiled, following after him.

We went down a hallway, at the end of the hall was a room with sketched letters on it, spelling my name.

"Go on. Me, Ricky and Devin finished everything for you." He said and I smiled and nodded.

I pushed open the door and saw Ricky and Devin sitting on the bed. I gasped with a smile. The room had grey walls, a 3 part painting of a dark forest, a black gothic mirror on the wall next to the door, a bedside table that was black with my laptop on it and a cat candle.

Above my closet weere shelves with taxidermy things, a skeleton, and a few other things.

Next to the closet was a shelf compartment that looked like a coffin, with little potion bottles, a fake skull, and a taxidermy raccoon on the bottom.

On the baywindow were black and white pillows, the center one having a spiderweb stitched onto it.

"You guys, it looks amazing! I love it!" I exclaimed and hugged the three of them in a group hug.

"Glad you like it." Devin said and Ricky kissed my head and I smiled.
"I'm headed to go shopping. Wanna tag along and go to some stores?" Devin asked and I nodded.

I skipped downstairs happily with Devin and we hopped into the car and he turned on the radio and we were off to the stores.

"So you don't remember anything from after the day you left school?" Devin asked and I nodded and said he was right. "You'll remember eventually. I'll help you." He assured me and we pulled into the parking lot of a pet store.

"Pet store?" I asked and he nodded and we got out of the car together.

I sighed as we walked in and I looked around a bit. "Go on." Devin said and I smiled and skipped off.

I looked around at all the different animals I could see. I wasn't a dog or cat person. I was a bird and reptile person.

Right at that thought I saw a bunch of birds in different sizes and colors. I eventually saw a large blue eyes cockatoo.

I felt like I instantly fell in love with it, as I walked up and smiled.

"Looking to get a bird?" I heard a female voice ask and I turned to see a teenage girl with really curly hair standing behind me.

"Uh, yeah actually. I think he's perfect." I said and she smiled

"her name's Lilith." She said and smiled "here. I'll help you out." She said and marked the bird as sold.

She showed me to where the cages were and gave me a huge cage and a box of bird food.

I saw Devin walking by when he noticed me. "Little help?" I asked and he nodded and carried the cage for me.

I smiled as she took the bird into a smaller travel-size cage and guided us up front.

I got the bird, the bird products and a membership to the pet shop.

"There we go. New member of the family." She said as she handed me Lilith and we walked out of the store and back to the car.

"What's her name?" Devin asked as we pulled out of the car park.

"Lilith." I said and he smiled and we began driving back to the house.

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