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I sat in the living room as we gathered everything that I wanted to take. "Hey, there's something I need to check. Back in a sec." I said to nobody in specific and slipped out of the back sliding glass door.

I slid down through a steep and narrow path and found myself on the trail. I sighed as I walked around on the trail. The feeling of somebody following me was persistent, but I ignored it. Probably a rabbit or something stupid.

I sighed took a big deep breath and made my way into a sprint into the forest.

Josh's POV

I heard Cassie say she wanted to check something and soon she left. "I'll follow her." I said to Ricky and he nodded and I slipped quietly out the door and saw her down by a steep path.

She slid down and I heard her shoes land on what sounded like concrete.
Where is she going?
I sighed and quietly followed her, trying to just be protective from the shadows.

I saw her walk to a clear path in a forest, and I was on the concrete trail, following from behind, when she stopped and stiffened a bit.

She knows I'm here. I saw her break into a run after releasing a deep breath and I quickly followed.
What is she doing here.

I heard bushes rustle with her movement and mine as well.
I looked around for awhile before I saw a clearing.

There was a fallen tree doing in front of it. Twigs, leaves and branches were everywhere and a single rock resided in the center, almost like a place to sit.

That's where she was. She sat there with her head tucked in her knees, her arms around her legs.

She was crying. I tried to quietly approach, but ended up snapping a branch with my boot.

I saw her twitch and look over at me in one swift movement. She was almost wolf-like with the way she moved. "It's okay, it's only me." I said, which did help her calm down a bit.

I saw her sit back down and motion for me to sit by her. I walked up and did exactly that. I sat next to her on the rock. "It's beautiful isn't it?" She said as she had looked around and tried to stop crying.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I nudged her lightly and she sighed "I don't wanna talk about it." She and and she slipped and almost fell, but I caught her by her hip and pulled her back up and she muttered a quiet "thanks".

Time Skip..
Cassie's POV
I sat in the car with my head against the window and my arms folded together in my lap.

I sighed and looked around at the other guys in the car.

I saw them all looking at their phones, playing with their fingers and Josh was focused on the road as he drove down the highway.

I sighed and put my earbuds in my ears and hit shuffle. The first song on was Wasp. I didn't mind, it was a great song. I turned it up a little bit and stared out the window as I listened to it.

Her eyes reflect like the rain on the pavement

I stare up at Ricky for a quick second and then back out the window.

I take control, she explodes, sink into her depths
I'm the tremble in her voice when she attempts to speak

I glance up at Josh and saw him bite his lip as he focused on the road.

Fixate on the frailty

I sighed and turned the song up by pressing the volume button twice. I know I could easily close my eyes and slip off into my own reality super easily on any day. But it wasn't working now. It was as if I was already there. In my happy place. With my brother and his band.

I felt like I was being watched and when I looked over, I noticed Chris look away and I just ignored it and continued staring out the window. I sighed as the songs shuffled through my playlist for awhile.

I sighed as I felt my eyes drifting shut slowly. I decided that I could catch some shut eye, being we had some time until we would make our stop for food and stuff. I sighed and the song changed to City Lights and I closed my eyes and soon ended up falling asleep.

Ricky's POV

I glances a look next to me at my best friend, Ghost and Cassie leaning on the window. I heard the beginning of Save Rock and Roll faintly playing through her earbuds.

I sighed and found myself staring at her sleeping form and soon felt Chris lightly tap my knee and I looked down at my feet and saw him mouth "what's up?" I just shook my head. I wasn't gonna bother him with it.

I sighed and he shook his head and went back to do whatever he was doing on his phone.

I sighed and looked around at my friends. I was happy they were willing to help out my sister with moving in with me, especially since they don't know her.

I sighed and heard a small vibration and heard Cassie inhale sharply and look down at her phone.

Her face seemed to drain away and become sad instead of the natural peaceful expression she always held up to the world.

She's been through a lot and I regret not being there for any of it. I wish I could have. I wish I would've known or at least tried to talk to her.

I sighed and saw her look up at me and make eye contact. I smiled slightly, seemingly more of a small smirk, but she did the same back.. but she had pain in her eyes.

"You okay?" I mouthed and she nodded and I nodded  and just saw her turn back to staring out the window and listening to her music.

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