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I shot up, heavy breathing and sweating. I looked around in my room, adjusting to the fact I was safe here.

soon enough, my door opened and I sighed, "you okay?" It was Josh. He was spending the night just to spend some time with me and Ricky for a bit. "yeah. Just a dream. sorry I woke you up." I said and he came over and sat next to me "you gonna be alright?" He asked and I nodded, knowing my voice would be a bundle of stutters if I tried to speak.He offered me a hair tie and I smiled and took it and tied my hair back in a messy bun.

"get some sleep okay? Ricky apparently has exciting news tomorrow." He said and laid me back and kissed my forehead, making me blush, also hoping he couldn't see my blushing in the dark.
"I'll see you in the morning." He said softly one last time and got up.

He went to walk off back to his room. Then I grabbed his hand and he turned around again and turned his head "W-will you stay with me?" I asked, my voice shaking and he smiled and nodded and I scooted over and he climbed in next to me. "It's late, Princess, get some sleep for tomorrow." I sighed as I cuddled into his chest and felt his arms wrap around me protectively and I listened to his steady heartbeat until I fell into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning...

I fluttered my eyes open and felt a pair of arms around my hips and when I looked up slightly, I noticed it was Josh.

I wanted to get up and go get coffee, so I sneakily and carefully took his arms off from around me and put a pillow and two teddy bears in my place. As I was heading out of the room, he turned onto his side, cuddling into the bears. I am not wasting this chance. I thought to myself and quickly took a picture of him cuddled into my teddy bears. That is Internet worthy.

I then made my way downstairs and saw nobody here. Ricky must still be asleep. I sighed and put the coffee on and just sat at one of the bar stools by the counter and went on my phone and began scrolling through my Instagram feed.

"Morning." I saw Ricky slide into the room with his socks on. "Morning, Slippy." I said and giggled and he pet my hair and rolled his eyes "coffee's gonna be ready in a bit." I said and he nodded "what do you want for breakfast?" He asked and I sighed and fell into a little mode of thinking for about a minute. "Waffles?" I asked and he nodded "I'm on it." And I smiled as I heard someone walking down the stairs and soon, Josh walked into the kitchen, wearing a white TShirt and black shorts that were actually pretty short.

"What in the name of sanity..?" I asked quietly, trailing off and he chuckled and pours himself a mug of coffee as it beeped, signaling it was ready.

"Coffee?" He asked and I nodded "course." I said and he poured me a mug and Ricky too, and handed us our mugs. "Hey by the way... Our cousins are coming to visit." Ricky said with a smile and I sighed "alright." I Just went back to my phone "Are you still upset? come on, they were 5." Ricky stated and I sighed "You haven't seen them in a while, Rick. They aren't great. trust me." I replied and I then realized how mean it sounded. "Just lighten up a bit. They're only here for the week. and try not to cause trouble with them." He put a hand on my shoulder and I nodded "I'll try." I said quietly and he sighed "They're not that bad." He tried to convince me "Not really. Rick just-" "No, They've changed since then, I know it. And either way, I doubt they have anything against you. They're family. Okay?" I just nodded and he walked off. So much for telling him about them.

"What's wrong with your cousins?" Josh asked and all the memories of every time I've seen them flooded back. "nothing." I said coldly and just got up and walked out the door. once the door slammed, I broke into a run. As I got out of the yard, I saw the rest of the band had been walking up, and they were calling my name.I ignored them and just ran, as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

I saw a park coming up, which was near a forest with a trail going through it. I didn't have my phone, or anything with me. Just my clothes. and the feeling I was being followed. I just ignored that feeling and followed the path.

I soon came across a lake in a forest clearing with a wooden dock. I just walked over to the dock and saat down, letting my feet dangle off the edge. I felt the hot tears falling down my face and I heard a dry twig break behind me.

I instantly turned around, fear running through me before I saw it was only Vinny. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you.. you alright?" He asked the second he knew I was crying and I shrugged.

He came over and sat next to me "You wanna talk about it?" He asked and I looked over and saw him weakly smile at me and I returned the gesture "It can stay between us if you'd like." he added, which game me a bit more comfort in talking about it.

"Ricky and I's cousins are coming for the week." I said and he turns his head "is it that bad?" He asked and I nodded "he hasn't seen them since we were kids. They always act like saints, but they hate me. They've never been nice to me, and just the bare memories of them..." I said and trailed off "and Rick won't even listen to me when I wanna tell him everything." I said and rambled on and on about the emotional, physical abuse, public embarrassment and how they would drive me out places and leave me in the rain miles from home.

He just let me talk, and he listened intently. "That's horrible. Ricky needs to know what happened." He said and opened his arms for a hug, which I accepted and he wrapped his arms around me "they cannot get away with it." He added and helped me stand up and we began walking back to the house.

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