Meet me

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Cassie's POV
I sighed as I carried some of my bags of stuff we bought at the mall. Chris has been  a bit more talkative then usual today, even if he didn't talk to me as much. I couldn't blame him though, as he doesn't really know me at all.

"So, You and Vinny then.." Chris said as we walked a little behind the others.

"What about me and Vinny?" I asked and he smiled and shook his head, before looking to Vinny and back to me.

"Are you guys together? Like..a couple?" He was being shy about it, but I shook my head and said we weren't. He mumbled something under his breath, and I smiled and he returned the gesture.

We all hopped into the car, and the Linkin Park CD continued playing again.

We drove home, all the while talking about whatever came up in the conversation.

Eventually we arrived home again and we headed inside.

"We'll be upstairs." I said as we parked and we all ran upstairs as fast as we could.

I told the girl we would talk girl things and boys.. mostly boys.. when we got home.

We sat in a little circle on the floor of my room.

"Ok, Cassie. Spill." Victoria said as we sat down and set our bags behind us.

"Okay... what do you want to know?" I asked and they looked to each other and back to me as if I was stupid.

"do you like Vinny?"


Vinny's POV

I grabbed a bottle of water and the girls ran upstairs to Cassie's room.

"Make sure they're not at each other's throats?" Chris asked and I nodded and made my way upstairs.

I heard Victoria say something, that is couldn't make out. I put my ear to the door and quietly listened in.

"What do you want to know?" I heard Cassie ask, before a quick silence.

"Do you like Vinny?" I think it was Lilly that asked. I didn't want to invade privacy, but I also wanted to know her answer.

"Well..." I heard her trail off and I held my breath. I did come to terms eventually with the fact I liked her. Ricky would kill me and- "Yeah.. I guess I do." Cassie interrupted my thoughts and I let out a sigh of relief.

I heard silence. "Hang on." Victoria said. I quickly ran downstairs and Saw Chris and Ricky on the couch.

"Well.. what'd you find out?" Ricky asked and I think I had a flustered look on my face. I had to make something up.

"Just girl talk." I said and Ricky nodded and went back to his phone.

I went into the kitchen "I'm heading out for a drive." I said and grabbed my jacket, slipping it on and walked out the door, making sure I had my phone.

She liked me. She actually liked me. I knew I had to take a chance and tell her I felt the same way.

And I knew just how. I quickly turned and ran back into the house and ran up to Chris, grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door with me.

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