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This will be a bit of a longer chapter because why not?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in my room. I started packing yesterday after my mom told me I'd be moving in with Rick after school let out.

I groaned under my breath. part of me was super happy to go live with Ricky, but that other small part was scared. I was scared of what he would say about my Self-Harm now that he knew.

I slowly got up out of my bed and made my way to my closet. Today I have to go to school and I really do not want to. I just want to stay in my room until Ricky gets here. My reason? Well, on a daily basis I get chased back home. after we reach my street, they give up on it, knowing they'd get caught chasing me.

I sighed as I put on my torn skinny jeans, a Motionless In White "Get Fucked!" tank top and put my hoodie over it. I then put on my combat boots and my black studded belt. I put on my beanie and my black ring on my middle finger. I put in my pentagram earrings and then headed into the bathroom to do my makeup and things.

I sighed as I applied a layer of eyeliner and mascara before my blood red lipstick. I took off my beanie and brushed out my hair, which was straight already but had my natural waves to it. I sprayed it with dry-shampoo and then put my beanie on and added bobby pins so it wouldn't randomly slip off my head.

I sighed before grabbing my phone and backpack and headed out my bedroom door as I put in my earbuds. "Don't forget. Ricky's picking you up after school." Mom said as she was laying on the couch watching Seinfeld. "yep." Was all I said and I walked out of the door and turned on America by Motionless In White. The song is just very true. Nobody realizes it, but it is.

I walked  along the sidewalk on my way to school and wondered if I could maybe skip school and show up when Ricky would pick me up..No I couldn't because I would have to go back sometime this week. Either way today I have to finish up the last of the SATs.

I sighed as I saw the school slowly appear in the distance. I saw the group of my tormentors ahead, already getting off the bus. Oh god why? I stood there, frozen in my spot as I contemplated what I should do.

I waited until they got into the school before I continued walking, in fear that they would see me. They probably would see me sooner or later anyway.

I felt someone tug out my earbuds "Hey what's up with the music today?" It was Evan. I sighed and he listened for a second "oh yeah, still satanist shit." He said and threw me to the ground. He kicked me "Out of the way. We don't need a satanist here." He pushed me aside with his foot, as if I was just trash that needed to be taken out.

After he was gone, I slowly got up, and I felt so weak now, but I was able to walk. I slowly put my earbuds back in and then made my way into school and saw everyone turn to stare at me. I sighed and quickly made my way to my locker and then suddenly I felt someone pull my hair back and then slam me against the locker.

"What? You don't care about us anymore?" A high pitch voice rang in my ears "Get...Fucked." I managed to get out weakly "oh, well, that's one thing I can easily do. But nobody would want you. you're an ugly, satanic, emo, Freak!" She spat and I sighed "At least I-I'm not a bitch." I spat back at her and she gasped as everyone stared. some like they were sympathetic. were they always like that? others were looking at me like I was crazy.

"Who do you think you are?" She asked and I turned my head "I think.. I am Cassandra Olson. and you are a bitch who needs to make people feel like they're dirt just so you can feel good about your slutty self." I said the truth. honestly, I have had enough. "So you know what, Ariana? Get your glittery, Pink ass over here and fight me. right here, right now." The other guys that torment me gathered around too, but didn't do anything other than made snide comments. "If I win?" She asked, staying to appear tough "If you win, you can do whatever you want to me and I can't say anything to anyone.. But if I win, You can't do anything to me ever again, and I can tell my older brother who would likely, not be too happy." I reasoned and She nodded "Okay so.. any interference makes an automatic win depending who is assisted." Evan said and we both nodded and sent each other evil glares the whole time.

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