My History (Part II)

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"Just some old....memories." I phrased it and he turned his head and came over to sit next to me.

"Mind if I look with you?" He asked and I didn't want to say I minded and it bothered me, because I felt like it would come out pretty bitchy.

"Well.." I trailed, my voice going high pitch and he chuckled.

"Well, if you wanna keep it personal, that's fine, I'll just let you-" he started, and I interrupted, shaking me head.

"No, it's fine there's just a huge, long and sad story behind everything in this box."

"Oh, well.. if you want to tell me, I would be willing to listen." He assured me and I smiled and nodded, which made him smile as well. "Come on, we can go to the back lounge to talk." He said and I nodded and we headed to the back lounge where we sat down and I put the box on the seat in front of me as I sat, cross-legged.

"Okay, it's a long story and it all started when I was around 11." I said and he nodded and I began explaining.

I started by telling him the story about me being stalked, and eventually he kidnapped me and sexually assaulted me, I refused to say the word Rape.

I then explained that I haven't seen the man since then and, as far as I'm aware, there is still a warrant out for his arrest. I showed him the letters he would send me, which wasn't all he would send me, but some things he would send me, my mom would get rid of, and some weren't even for children.
Which, I then told him was the reason I changed my name and just changed so much.

He only ever sent 10 letters and the rest were little "gifts" with post it notes on them.

Next was the story of my abusive boyfriend, and I explained that we were together for a year or so before he moved to Indianapolis and we cut it off.

I then showed him the letters and I did save some little gifts such as the ring, a few earrings and a few pictures of us together.

I showed Chris the letters and let him read them for himself.

"Why do they all say Katelynn?" He asked and I sighed and said how he was the only other person who knew my birth-given name.

All the letters ended with the same old phrase that has been in my mind forever. Eternally Yours.

"Wow. These are really creepy." He said as he put all the papers back into their respective envelopes.

I then pulled out the orange envelope with the movies, the ring and the newest letter.

"This one, came to me only one week or so before Senior Year started." I said and handed it over and we read it together, as it was the only one I hated reading.

My dearest Katelynn,
I haven't seen you in person in so so long. And my god, you've changed so much. I simply cannot wait to see you again when you come round with our brother. I hope you still have the ring I sent you. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with my hand in yours.
Hope to see you soon.

Eternally Yours.

I sighed and pulled the two movies and ring out of the bag and showed the ring to Chris and handed over the movies, which were still in the plastic wrapping they came in.

I had to mix the "gifts" all into one envelope, as I had nowhere else to really put them.

"Wow. I had not idea. Did you ever tell Ricky?" He asked and I sighed and shook my head and he sighed and gently placed his hand on mine.

"I'm not letting him get his hands on you. I'm not letting him hurt you." He assured me as I placed the box aside.

He opened his arms and I fell into his arms and buried my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

For one of the first times in my life I felt truly safe with someone.

I felt some tears lean out of my eyes. I wasn't sad though. I felt safe and happy.

"You're okay now." He said and I curled up in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I won't let you get hurt anymore." He said and I felt a smile raise on my cheeks.

I looked up at Chris and he smiled down at me and I gently placed my hand on his cheek.

"Most people think I'm weird. Tell me to get over it." I said and he had this kind and gentle look in his eyes.

"I don't think you're weird. You don't have to get over easily." He said and I smiled and we stared in each other's eyes for a minute before he stared leaning in.

Once I noticed what was happening, his lips were on mine, and I had melted slowly into the kiss.

Our lips moved in sync with each other's, his lip rings cold against my warm lips.

In thy moment the feeling any memory of everything came back. The story behind every letter.

I felt happy with Chris' lips on mine, but when the feelings came back from the night before and the night when I was 11. And then it all came back to Chris.

I suddenly jumped back, off his lap, and he seemed really nervous, and concerned.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked nervously, and I shook my head.

"I just can't right now.. I'm sorry." I said, realizing I might've just ruined everything.

"Hey, it's okay. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready." He said with a smile. "How about we just go slower? How about just a movie first?" He suggested and I felt a smile on my lips perk up.

Chris was willing to take things slow and just let me take my time to be comfortable.


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