How are you feeling?

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Ricky's POV

I texted all the others about what had happened as I was driving as fast as I could with Chris, and soon we began to see red a blue lights ahead of us in the distance.

I sighed and hopped out of the car and ran up, a cop stopping me.

"Son, I need you to stay back." He said and I shook my head.

"My sister was in there! I need to know if she's ok!" I exclaimed and he told me to calm down and I could ride in the ambulance with her.

I nodded and headed over to the ambulance.

"I'll meet you at the hospital!" Chris yelled to me and I nodded as he hopped in his car and drove off.

I saw them bring her into the ambulance, Vinny in another ambulance.

She was covered in scrapes and cuts, and she was passed out. Oh god, please let her be okay.

I sighed as I watched the nurses and doctors help stop her bleeding.
"She's lost a lot of blood we're gonna need to get her a transfusion." One nurse said and I sighed and spoke up.

"I can do it. She's my sister." I said and she nodded and said she'll do it when we get to the hospital.

They had an oxygen mask on and they had fixed up a bunch of scars and cuts.

"She should be fine in the end." One doctor said as we pulled up into the hospital.

We ran down a series of hallways before I was stopped. "We'll get your blood for the transfusion. Come on." The nurse that stopped me said and I nodded and we went into a separate room.

They got everything set up and put a band on my arm. "Here we go." They injected to needle into my arm and I let out a small wince.

They took a pint and a half of blood, then gave me orange juice and a cookie. Well, I am not complaining if I get a cookie.

I finished up eating and drinking and they sent me out to the waiting room where I saw everyone else, including Ryan Ashley.

"Hey, how is she?" Josh spoke up when he noticed me.

"They won't tell me. I had to give her some blood though." I said and they nodded and we sat around in silence for a bit as we all waited.

We all tried to look on the positive side of things, which was difficult, but we still tried.

"She'll be ok, Rick. Don't worry." Chris assured me and I nodded and sighed.

"I sure hope so." I said and he insisted she'd be fine. Of course I wanted to believe him. And for the sake of everything, I did.

I almost lost her in similar situations before and I didn't want this to be the time I lost her forever.

After what felt like forever, a doctor walked in and said Vinny's name and her name. I instantly sprung up and ran to him.

"Is she ok? Is gonna be okay?" I was ready to start crying.. actually I was crying.

"She's going to be just fine. Your friend,Vinny however has had some head trauma and there is no knowing how long until he comes to." He explained and I nodded

"Can we see them?" I asked and he nodded and began guiding us down a corridor.

"I must let you know, she did lose a fair share of memory, so if she forgets anything important just try to help her remember?" The doctor asked as we walked and I nodded

"How much did she lose?" I asked and he sighed

"A few months worth." He said and I nodded and we kept walking.

We passed a bunch of doors and rooms until he said three of us could see Vinny and three of us could see Cassie.

Me, Chris and Ryan-Ashley went for Cass, and Ryan, Balz and Devin went to check on Vinny.

When we walked in we saw Cassie with her bubble pink hair tied back in a messy bun, her face clean from all makeup, a scar going from near her temple down to her cheek.

"Hey." I said and rushed to her side. She smiled.

"Hey." Her voice was raspy and quiet.

"How are you feeling?" Ryan Ashley asked and Cassie sighed.

"A lot hurts." She replied with a giggle and a smile. I'm so happy she was able to smile in her situation.

"So.. can you give us a rundown on everything?" Chris asked as he leaned against the wall behind me, Ryan Ashley sitting next to her on her left side.

"I bruised my ribs, sprained my ankle, broke my wrist, and other than that I got a lot of scrapes and cuts." She explained and I nodded.

I felt so bad for all of this. Of course, we didn't blame Vinny, it wasn't his fault, it was the drunk driver that hit them.

"What do you remember?" I asked and she sighed "the last I remember was school. Running from them." She put emphasis on the word. I sighed and I nodded.

"Where do you think you are? Not just the hospital." I said and she nodded.

"Scranton. They told me." She said and I nodded and I stood up and hugged her.

"So you don't remember anything that happened after the last day of school?" Chris asked and she shook her head.

"What happened to me?" She asked, sounding so innocent and broken.

"You were driving with Vinny and uhm. A drunk driver hit you guys." I explained, and I knew she'd know a bit about Vinny. She's known the band from the start of it all.

"Is he alright?" She asked and looked around the room.

"He will be. He's.. not awake yet." Ryan Ashley explained and she nodded.

She then asked when she could go home, and I said I would go ask someone.

I hated the fact that the drunk driver got away with a few bumps, bruises and scratches and my sister doesn't remember anything that happened since she got beat up at school.

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