Cassandra Olson

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Portland, Oregon...

I had gone through with the chemo, my hair was pretty much gone now, and I had ordered a human hair lace-front wig to replace my real hair.

"Cassie, I wanna ask you something." Chris said and I nodded as I walked over to grab a bottle of water.

"What's up?" I asked and he looked up from his phone for a second

"For the last show tonight, I wanted to introduce you to the crowd.. so they'd have a chance to meet you...I-If you want?" He said asked, and I sighed and thought about it for a quick bit.

"Okay, yeah. Sounds cool. I'm up for it." I said and he nodded as I heard my phone ringing from my bunk.

I recognized Jaime's ringtone, and I ran inside to grab my phone.

"Hey, chica. What's up?" I answered the phone

"Hey, Claire I see you have a package. Do you want me to leave it in your room or?" She asked and I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"You can just leave it in my room if that's okay." I said and I heard her say okay as I heard faint footsteps heading up a flight of stairs in the background of the call.

"I heard what happened from Ricky. How are you holding up?" She asked and I sighed with a shrug as I sat in my bunk.

"Haven't been able to eat more than a little bowl of white rice. I've got some vomiting spells and nausea but you know.. kinda comes with the deal." I said and I could almost feel her warm smile from the other side of the phone.

"You'll be okay. You've gone through with chemotherapy and everything?" She asked

"Yeah, I cut all my hair off. Chemo was gonna make me lose it anyway. Just gonna order wigs and stuff to replace it." I explained

"Sounds cool to me. And hey, if you ever need anything I'll be here. Just call." She said and I said I would, before we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

I then headed inside to the lounge of the bus and I had put on a beanie and began watching South Park with Ricky.

I had to get used to having all my hair gone, but by two days i would be alright with the couple wigs I ordered.

I had, with Ricky's help, ordered a blonde wig to match my natural hair color.

"You excited to get home?" Ricky asked and I nodded as I pulled my sleeves back onto my shoulder.

Because of what my conditions n does to my body I had been losing more weight than I think I ever have.

I was able to eat some food to get nutrients and vitamins but I wasn't enough to maintain my body weight and stay properly nourished.

"I feel like I'm slowly dying. Just my being able to eat and keep it down and I just keep getting thinner ." I said and he nodded and rubbed my arm reassuringly

"It's all gonna be okay. At least you're still here with us." He said with a warm smile, and I returned a smile, and looked down at my feet.

"But what if I'm not?" I asked and looked back up to him. "What if one day I'm not strong enough?" I asked and he sighed and held my hand gently in his.

"Best not to think that way. Enjoy what's happening now. You're here. We're together. Okay?" He asked and I nodded and we all started getting ready for their show at 5:30.

I quickly put on a pair of skinny jeans, a studded belt, a black cami and a MIW hoodie.

I applied thick black eye makeup and dark red lipstick.

I sighed and pulled my hood up slightly.

"Ready?" Ryan asked and I nodded and we all went on our way to the stage they were playing on.

"You ready? I'll summon you after America." Chris said and I nodded

"That sounds good to me." I said and he smiled and I stood on my tip toes and he leaned down and we had a few seconds of a kiss before he had to go with the others and play their set.

I smiled to Chris and the others as they ran out on stage.

I paced around backstage a bit while they played their first song, Abigail. After that was AMERICA then Chris would make my existence known in the real world.

I drank a fair amount of water and got ready to go out on stage. I knew the crowd was huge. I knew they are all going to have varied opinions on me and i knew there would be negative opinions. I wasn't sure what Chris would say and I wasn't sure what anyone would do. That's why I was scared.

I spent most of the time in my own little world to the point I spaced out and when I came back to earth, The guys were finishing America and getting ready for me to go out on stage with them.

"Alright you guys. I want to introduce you to a girl, who is really close to me personally. Probably closer to Ricky though.. I mean you guys are family." The crowd screamed, and I'll bet you they knew who Chris was talking about.

"Recently she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Through the emotions that come along with this, she's been such a fighter, and she's been so strong through the chemotherapy. And I am so proud to say that she is my girlfriend.. so, Cassie?" He turned to me and the crowd screamed as I walked out on stage and I waved to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Cassandra Olson." He said and wrapped an arm around me and leaned down to kiss my cheek, making me blush and over half of the audience went "aww".

I guess it felt nice. Some people in the crowd were calling me names and things like that, but it didn't phase me. I was happy.

I was happy and I had Chris.

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