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I sighed as I laid back in my bed, simply resting after everything that had happened. I then heard a light knock on the door "It's open." I called out and I saw the handle turn and the door open revealing Ricky "Hey, Alex is here." He said and I nodded, letting him know to let her in.

Alex walked in and pretty much instantly engulfed me in a hug. "Hey, I actually wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind, but I don't know if I should.." she trailed off and i sighed "you can talk to me about anything. I promise." I said and smiled and I saw her in this state of sadness.

"Recently I've gotten to thinking.. a lot actually.. and I think it would just be best if we broke up.. I mean, we're gonna both be in Scranton, yeah, but I'll never get to see you and I just don't see the relationship going anywhere." She explained and I felt tears roll down my face "okay. If that's how you feel then, okay, I'm okay with that." "Really?"she asked "trust me." I assured her and I smiled and she said she was gonna go, so I just waited for her to leave the room and close the door before I just started having an emotional breakdown.

I ended up turning on some Rocky Votolato as I cried my eyes out pretty much.

Then I started thinking..

Why? Just.. why?

Why did this happen?

Pain. What is it? This feels like it.

Everything hurts in some way. And I have found my own pain.

So I just pinched my inner thigh.

Soon, I heard the door open, but I didn't even care. I just didn't care anymore.

I felt someone sit down next to me on my bed and I sniffles as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw Balz looking at me with sympathy.

I just sat up and he opened his arms "come on, let it out." And I instantly dove into his arms as I cried and he comforted me and listened to everything I said, even though I stuttered a hell lot from crying.

"It'll be okay." He said and ran his fingers softly through my hair. "One day this will just be a faded memory and it won't hurt anymore." He said and I smiled a little "come on, smile. You know you wanna smile." He teased me and I tried to hide my smile, but I ended up laughing.

"There we go, there's the smile!" He chuckled and I just giggled a bit and smiled before I had calmed down a bit "you gonna be alright?" He asked and I nodded "yeah, I guess." "The I Guess has me concerned." He said and I rolled my eyes "I'll be fine. Don't worry." I said and he smiled and opened his arms for one more hug.

"Well, you know where to find me and Rick if you need anything." He said before he opened my door to leave "uh, Balz?" I spoke up "yes ma'am?" He asked and I felt the corner of my mouth prick up a little in a tiny smirk-like smile  "how long was I out for?" I asked curiously, "bout 2 days, nothing too bad. Ricky didn't even leave you the whole time. Even when they had to literally drag him out for a bit." He laughed and I smirked and chuckled.

I saw him nod before walking out and closing the door gently behind him.

I quickly went back to my music and turned the lights off. I shut the blinds and curtains and buried myself under layers of blankets.

I just wanted to lay here forever and never get up again. But I would have to eventually.

Ricky's POV

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