Night Terrors

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Cassie's POV

I sighed as I turned over in my bed to face the window. I had to share my room with Ryan tonight. The guys were staying the night before we leave for Warped Tour tomorrow morning.

Ryan had already fallen asleep,  and I was just about to pass out.

Chris' POV

I laid back on the couch on my phone. It was near midnight now. I was just replying to tweets and comments on social media and looking through different tagged photos.

I sighed before I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I looked up and saw Balz making his way down the stairway.

"Can't sleep?" I asked and he shook his head and sighed before heading into the kitchen.

He came back with two bottled waters and handed me one of them. "I've been online until I decided to come get water." He explained and I nodded and took a drink of the water.

"So Warped Tour then. Excited?" I asked curiously and he nodded. "I'm excited too. I always love touring." I said quietly and we both sat in silence for a while, just drinking some water, and thinking about tomorrow.

"Ricky's been so cautious with Ryan staying with Cass tonight." Balz broke the silence and I chuckled.

"How cautious?" I asked and he sighed. He was staying in Rick's room with him tonight.

"He's been trying to check on them near every 5 minutes." He said and I smiled.

"That's Rick. Protective older brother." I replied and he nodded and I smiled "in gonna try to get some shut eye." I said and he nkdded

"See you in the morning. I better check on rick. Make sure he isn't camped outside the door." He said and I chuckled and he headed upstairs.

Ricky's POV

I sighed as I slid in my bed quietly. I was listening to how quiet it was. Cassie's room was down the hall from mine.

I knew she wouldn't do anything. It was Ryan I was worried about. I listened intently. I heard Chris and Balz's indistinct talking downstairs, I heard Devin and Vinny in the other room talking, trying not to wake anyone else up.

And from Cassie's room? Nothing. Dead silent.

Soon enough, Balz came back and found his spot in the piled he made of pillows and a blanket on the floor, a thick quilt under all of it.

"I thought you would be camped outside her room." He said as he laid onto his back and pulled the blanket over himself.

"Night, Rick." He said got comfortable and I sighed, pulled the blanket around me and laying onto the pillow, getting comfy myself.


Devin's POV
1:25 AM

I woke up abruptly to the sound of a loud screaming. It woke up Vinny too. Probably everyone for that matter.

"Cassie!" We heard Someone yell and we ran out of our room. Ricky and the others had gone to see what was up.

"Cassie! Wake up!" Chris ran into her room first and Ryan was standing there, not sure of what to do.

"She's having a night terror." I said and me, Ricky and Chris tried to wake her up.

Chris' POV

"Cassie, you're okay! Wake up!" I exclaimed as I tried shaking her awake. She was screaming and flailing her arms.

Her screaming. That's what got in my head. I have never heard someone scream like that before, and I didn't know anyone could scream like that.

"Cassie, wake up!" Ricky said and shook her a bit, and she tried to take a swing at him.

Eventually we did wake her up and she instantly clung to me, in tears and shaking.

"It's okay. It was only a dream. You're okay." I said and rubbed her back gently as she tried to calm down.

"Cassie, you're okay." Ricky said and held her hand. I sighed and she laid back down and nodded.

"I'll be fine. sorry for waking you guys." she said and I shook my head "Don't worry baout it. it's fine." I said and she nodded. Ricky kissed the top of her head before we all headed out, and Ryan sat to talk with her a bit, and calm her down a bit more.

"Has this happened before?" I asked Rick as we were heading out of her room.

"Not that I know of." He replied and I nodded with a sigh and headed back downstairs.

Cassie's POV

The temporary silence between me and Ryan after the guys left was awkward, yet comfortable.

The only thing breaking the silence was my shaky breaths, and my heartbeat. Ryan couldn't hear my heart, but to me it was pounding on the walls and pounding in my head. Like thoughts trying so hard to escape.

"What was it?" Ryan's voice finally broke me away from the silence surrounding the pounding of my heart.

"What?" I asked as I twitched my head into his direction, quickly and he smiled kindly as he propped his head up on his hand.

"Your Nightmare. What was it?" He asked and I sighed heavily as I feared remembering what happened in my head minutes ago. "I- If you wanna talk about it." He quickly added with a kind smile.

"It's a story for another time." I said and he nodded and I stared up at the ceiling as he turned the light out.

The click of the lamp made me slightly twitch, at the sound of it and the sudden darkness, which my eyes took a minute to adjust to.

"You sure you're gonna be okay?" He asked and this was when I had to take a second to think.

I didn't tell anyone that Vinny and I cut it off earlier that day. He didn't even talk. He texted me. He hasn't said anything since. No reason why. Just cut it off. said it wasn't gonna work.

I didn't tell anyone that I had been scared of being by myself. Of being alone in the world. But most of all I was afraid that my words wouldn't mean anything. They'd just be words in the end. Or something like that of breath on glass.

"I really don't know." I replied honestly and I didn't look down to Ryan. Just straight up at the ceiling.

Ryan then sat up on his knees and put a hand gently on my shoulder.
"It'll be alright. Whenever you're ready to talk about anything. I'm here." He rubbed his hand gently on my shoulder.

I smiled and he returned the same, crooked and silly smile. His damn smile.

His God Damn Adorable Smile.

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