Be Nice

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Skip to Sunday!

"Maybe a dreamcatcher  or something" I said, as me and Vinny sat in my room just talking about tattoos. "That'd be cool.. Maybe on your arm or forearm." He suggested and I nodded and continued drawing my idea. I had finally decided to get a tattoo and I wanted to surprise Ricky with it, so Vinny agreed to take me to get it.

"What'cha got so far?" He asked and I turned the notebook to face him "That's really cool." It was a dreamcatcher and a few flowers on the top and feathers on the bottom

. "When do you think you wanna get it? I'm free to drive you there whenever." He said and I sighed and thought for a minute. "What about tonight?" I asked and he nodded "Works for me." We then heard a doorbell ring downstairs and I groaned and flopped back onto my bed.

"Come on, let's go meet your cousins." Vinny said and I sighed and stood up and we walked downstairs and I saw my three cousins standing in the living room talking to Ricky. "Hey, Cassie, look who's here!" Ricky cheered happily. Just do this. Fake a smile for Ricky.

I smiled and skipped downstairs, Vinny following after me "Hey guys, how have you been?" I asked and I saw the two girls, Victoria and Lilly smile and hug me, and little Gavin do the same.

Lilly had long brown hair, and dark brown eyes. The only real difference between her and Victoria is Height, Hair length and personality. Gavin was the younger brother out of them, and his hair was blonde, his eyes were hazel green. "We've missed you, Cassandra!" He exclaimed and I chuckled "I missed you guys too!" I exclaimed and Victoria noticed Vinny standing awkwardly behind us and she gasped with a smile "Cassie, do you finally have a boyfriend?"She asked, excited, but I could see in her eyes, she didn't care "Oh, Nonono. I don't have a boyfriend." I said and Ricky smiled "Better not." He mumbled under his breath and we all chuckled a bit about how protective he was.

We hung out and talked for a bit just to catch up. "I'm gonna go out and get some food, and let you guys talk. Vinny you wanna tag along? Balz should be over soon." He informed us all and Vinny nodded and they both headed out and Vinny sent me a worried look as they left.

"So you guys changed a bit since I last-" "Oh, shut it." Victoria said as soon as she heard the door close "Same old, Same old then?" I asked and they all nodded. "We knew of your gothic bullshit you had going on, but now you've gone and dragged poor Ricky down with you. Even got him in a band?" Lilly asked and I shook my head "I haven't seen him since-" "Since you were kids? how sad. He must've enjoyed the alone time. now he's stuck with you again." Gavin said and laughed a bit. Poor little guy. They made him to hate me, because he's so impressionable. only a child too.

"What must have your friends thought of you? oh, poor little Cassandra with her first world problems, and self harm addiction!" Lilly yelled in my face and I heard a car door close "It's only a matter of time until Ricky gets rid of you..... don't sleep alone." Victoria said to my face when the door opened "Hey what's up guys?!" Balz ran in happily and hugged all of us, me first. "Cass. Cass' cousins." He hugged them next and then we all sat down "so, who wants to watch Netflix?" He asked excitedly and we all cheered in agreement and he turned it on and we started watching Dexter. It was the only thing me and these three had in common.

"I'm gonna grab popcorn. Back in a sec!" Josh exclaimed happily and got up and went into the kitchen.

"You so have a boyfriend." Victoria stood up, making me stand up by reflex, even though she was 5' 10" and I was only 5' 3". "She has to. So who is it then? Him or That Vinny guy?" Lilly stood up "I don't have a boyfriend." I growled under my breath "she's defensive. She's hiding it." "Just admit it. You love them. Now they are stuck with you until you leave.. or until they get rid of you. And we cannot wait to see that happen." Victoria said and she through me down and I yelped as I hit the floor, my head making a loud bang on the floor.

We heard running footsteps which is when I was tugged to my feet and Lilly fell to the floor and yelped as if she was in pain "What happened?" Josh was clearly concerned in the current situation. "Sh-she p-pushed me." She cried and actually had tears in her eyes.

Props on acting, even if I hated her.

"Are you alright honey?" He asked and she nodded and he helped her onto the couch. While he wasn't looking Victoria smiled sinisterly at me and I was just shell shocked. "Cass? Inside." He said and we walked inside and he leaned against the counter "Why would you push her?" He asked "she's just a kid"

"I didn't push her!" I whisper yelled "Vicky and Lilly staged the whole thing." "Yeah, okay. They wouldn't be that bad right?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed "just try to get along with them." He said and I sighed "I didn't push her Josh." I said calmly and he sighed "it sure looked like you did." He said and seemed so sure of it "they've been doing this since I was little. They have it down to an art. Josh they-" "I don't want to hear it, Cassandra. Just get along with them. It's only a week." He seemed to be getting mad.

"Fine." I growled and nodded as he grabbed the popcorn and the other two who had gone for food came back with a box of pizza, chicken wings, Chinese and Mexican. "We got food!" Ricky exclaimed and the others came to help him.

Even my closest friend won't believe me. I felt tears about ready to fall out of my eyes "Cassie? You okay?" I heard Vinny ask and I just shook my head and ran off, out of the house again.

I heard him call my name. I just ran. I knew where I was going. It was raining, but I didn't care. How could Josh not believe me? Is it because she's a kid? Because she was crying? Because he felt sorry for the child? Honestly, why would he even bother to listen to me? I thought we were close. I thought he could be there to listen whenever I needed him.

Apparently not all the time. I guess promises change and promises break.

Picture (left to right): Gavin, Lilly, Victoria

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