Lunch and candy

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"Cassie." I felt a light poking on my ribs and arm "Cassie wake up." It was Ricky "what?" I groaned and realized my left earbud had fallen out. Either that or he had taken it out. "What do you want for lunch?" He asked and I noticed the car was parked in a small shopping center of shops and little places to get food. "Chinese?" I asked and he nodded and motioned for me to get out of the car.

I hopped out and used my hands to quickly fix my hair. I sighed and saw a 5 and Below store and told them I'd be back, Ricky nodded as they went to get food and I walked off to the store.

It was nice and big inside and generally warm. I sighed as I looked around at all the toys and candy and everything.

I ended up looking around at candies and treats from Japan. Which, I would probably end up spending all my money on. I simply sighed as I continued to look at more things to buy.

"There you are."

Ricky's POV

We began walking up to the store to grab some lunch. I heard Cassie say something about a store and I just nodded as me and Josh were carrying on a conversation about whose better at different games.

"I am so better than you" He said and I sighed as we walked inside the little shop for lunch and I ran a hand through my hair and then went to ask Cassie what's she wanted to get and then realized she wasn't there. "Hey you guys see where Cassie went?" I asked "I thought you were watching her." Balz said to me and I sighed "Devin, did you see where she went?" I asked and he nodded "she went to this store right outside." He said and Balz said he'd go find her. "You know, she told you she was going right?" Chris asked and I sighed "I wasn't paying attention." I blamed myself and shook my head "don't worry, she'll be fine. It's not like she ran away forever." Devin comforted me.

Josh's POV

I jogged my way over to every store, looking in every window. I began to worry a lot before I saw her wandering around in a store called '5 and below.'

I went inside and saw her looking around at all these candies and treats. "There you are." I sighed, out of breath "you been running?" She asked and I walked over, down the aisle to where she was "We didn't know where you went." I sighed "I told you guys." She said and I sighed "Ricky wasn't paying attention." I said and she rolled her eyes and chuckled "naturally." She joked and we both laughed a bit.

"What candy you getting?" I asked and she sighed "likely all of it." She nodded and I agreed with her "the more the merrier." I helped her grab basically about three of everything before we went to the cashier and began paying for everything.

Cassie's POV

Josh helped me gather a few bags worth of candy and we carried all of the treats to the cashier and began getting the price for everything.

We actually had to both pay half, as I didn't have enough on my own. I could've put some candy back, but he insisted he would help pay. "Josh, you don't have to help pay I can just-" I started it he interrupted "no, no way, I am gonna help okay? Candy is worth it." He insisted and I sighed "no, you really don't have to." I said but he insisted with puppy eyes and I sighed "alright fine." I eventually caved and he smiled and we purchased the candy "you two are adorable." the lady commented, and I felt a small blush creep onto my face. Josh chuckled and helped gather the bags and we headed back out to meet up with the other guys for lunch.

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