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We pulled up to a wooded area and got out of the car. We were at least a few miles away from my house. "Is this when you murder me?" I asked and he chuckled "nope. I got something better to do. Follow me." He said and I followed him and we came to a spot of dirt, leaves and twigs.

He got down on his knees and I followed suit as he used twigs, sticks and I helped as he dug a little hole.

He opened the box and poured out all the blades and then buried them. "Never to be seen again." He smiled and I did too.

When we stood up, we had to dust all the dirt off our jeans and off my knees. I had torn jeans on.

While we talked and began walking back, it started pouring rain. Real nice. "Come on." He said and we ran back to the car and I pulled my hood up.

When we got in the car I sighed and he started the car. The A/C felt ice cold as it blowed on my skin that had just been in cold rain.

"I gotta stop for gas on the way back. I'm almost empty." He said and I nodded and looked through a bunch of CDs he had in the car.

I settled on Listening to Immaculate Misconception which I just played through the Aux cord.

"Here we go.. gas station." He said and we pulled into a 7/11. He parked the car and got out and I joined him and he began filling the gas into the car and I leaned against the car. It was a really nice car.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked and I sighed "I don't know. I never do much. Just sit around and watch Netflix. Or YouTube." I said and he smiled "then that is what we shall so." He said happily and finished up and then we headed back home.

We decided to get changed into our pajamas. Mine was a batman sweater top and black leggings, my hair back in a messy bun.

I sighed and Ricky Put on his Pajamas, basically sweatpants and a black tank top

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I sighed and Ricky Put on his Pajamas, basically sweatpants and a black tank top.

I sighed and pulled out my laptop and we laid on my bed on our stomachs and I showed him some Hair Jordan videos and we ended up watching a hell lot of them.

Later on, around Midnight, we were watching season 5 of American Horror Story and I noticed Ricky had been quiet for awhile, until I saw he was asleep.

I lowered the volume on the TV and then slowly and carefully got up and left him to sleep and went to sleep in the guest room. I laid down with my phone charging beside me and slid deep under the covers and almost instantly fell asleep.

The Next Morning...

I sighed as I listened to my alarm going off. I got up, realizing I wasn't in my room. I was in the guest room. I thought back to last night before remembering I let Ricky sleep in my room last night.

I sat up and got out of my bed and turned off my alarm before slowly making my way into my room. I saw Ricky was still passed out and cuddling into my pillows, especially my blue Doughnut pillow. I smiled and then grabbed pair of my torn up jeans, a red and black hoodie and my combat boots.

I went into the bathroom, locking the door and I began changing, I also put on my Axe deodorant. I sighed as I put on my eyeliner and mascara and then I sighed as I applied my blood red lipstick and then put my phone in my pocket.

I sighed as I brushed through my hair and then put on a black beanie, putting in Bobbie pins to keep it in place and then continued to straighten it and I sighed. Tonight I'm probably gonna dye it a new color. Mostly because the purple and blue have gotten really faded. I might trim my hair again too. I don't have a lot of money so I cut my own hair and just buy the dye for it too.

Time skip..

I sighed as Ricky had drove me to school. I got out of the car a lot of people who were outside had smiled at me and waved and such.

I waved and smiled to Ricky and he returned the gesture before driving off.

I sighed and walked inside and saw my old tormentors gathered with each other and just ignoring me.

"Hey there, Girly!" Alex came up behind me and I smiled at her "hey Alex." I said and we walked through school and made out way to my locker "I noticed your car. Super cool." She said and I shrugged "it's my brother's car. But it is cool." I said and smiled as I held my books and closed my locker and tucked my phones and earbuds into my pocket and we made out way to her locker.

"So.. school's almost over with. Do you maybe want to hang out before it ends?" She asked and I nodded "sure thing. Sounds cool. My parents aren't amazing though, so don't expect to really meet them. We can hang out anywhere." I said and she smiled "sweet! Do you know how to penny board?" She asked and I nodded "I love it. There's a long trail near my house that I go down all the time. We should ride the trail together." I said and she nodded "that sounds awesome." She said and she finished up at her locker.

"How about after school today?" She asked and I nodded "sounds good. I'll text my brother." I said and she nodded "maybe we could walk home together." I added and she nodded "fine by me. Just gotta text me sister to bring my penny board." She said "I just keep it in my locker." I said and she shrugged "anyway, I'll see you around." She said and we waved to each other before she headed into her homeroom and I headed into mine.

Picture: Alex

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