Being weird together

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I sighed as we walked back into the driveway of her house, hand in hand.
"So, you wanna meet my parents?" She asked and I sighed "wow, big step." I said and she giggled and nudged me "you're fine, they've known for a bit about me being bi." She said and I nodded and squeezed her hand, her returning the gesture and smiled as she opened the door and we walked inside.

In the living room, there was a brown sectional couch, a white rug, a flatscreen TV, and a lady sitting there with a little girl. "Hey mom. I have someone I want you to meet." She said and I got filled with nervousness and insecurities. "Hey, sweetie what's up?" Her voice was kind and caring, and also brought me to find her nice so I calmed down a bit.

"Mom, this is Cassie. She is my girlfriend." She said and I smiled "hello." I said shyly and quietly and I brushed back a piece of my fringe "hello darling, my name is Clara, I've heard about you nonstop, you seem very nice and I really love your hair." She said happily and I smiled as she shook my hand "thank you, you have a really nice home." I felt nervous still, but was able to talk a bit less shyly.

I ended up talking a bit with Alex's mom and she already approved of the sleepover "so what do you like to do?" She asked "well I really enjoy the photography class I'm taking at school and I'm hoping it can kind of be involved in my life." I said and she smiled "photographers do make good money. I was actually talking to Alex about her plan for the future. Her father moved out to Pennsylvania, so I was going to send her out there for a film class."she said and I lit up inside and smiled "that's such a coincidence. I was going to Pennsylvania with my brother to take photography." I said and she smiled "well, perhaps you can see each other a lot then." She said "well mom, we better get going before her parents get worried." Alex cut in and I sighed before getting up "thank you for having me." I said and she hugged me "it was so nice meeting you." She said and I smiled "you too." I said and then Alex had grabbed her packed bag that she had gotten together while me and her mom were talking.

"Your mom is nice. Wish my parents were nice like that." I said and she sighed "do you mind if I ask about them?" She asked and I sighed "it's okay. My mom drinks a lot and my dad is always out with another woman. I only ever had my brother, so after high school I'm moving with him to Scranton." I said and she nodded "I feel so bad that you have to live with your parents being like that. It must be really hard." She said "I manage." I said and she stood up on her toes and kissed my cheek "now you have me." I smiled at that and kissed her cheek in return.

We walked inside and I saw nobody was home. "Ricky, I'm back with Alex!" I yelled into the house "I'm upstairs!" I heard him from upstairs "wanna take your things to my room?" I asked and she nodded and we headed upstairs and went into my room where Ricky was watching American Horror Story.

"Okay Ricky, so Alex is spending the night and she's gonna be in here with me. Okay?" I asked and he nodded "yeah okay." Obviously, he wasn't paying attention. I sighed and Alex set her stuff down "well Ricky we were out on the trail and sat in a tree." "Yeah okay." Same response so I decided to test him "hey Ricky, do you mind if I borrow your wallet?" He made an 'mmhm' noise and I smiled and Alex giggled "by the way I'm dating Alex." Same reply "Can I borrow your car and drive to Mexico?" He just nodded "have fun." He was so focused on whatever her was watching "well I'm going to go get drunk and have sex." I said and he shook his head before springing up "wait wait! no you're not! Not while I'm alive!" He exclaimed and held me by my arms and I laughed "relax, I was joking to get you out of your TV concentrated state. But really though, Alex is sleeping over tonight so try not to ruin my relationship." I said and he nodded and walked out "have fun." He said and I heard the door to the guest room close "3..2.1." I said "WAIT A SECOND!" We heard Ricky yell and we both laughed "you say relationship?" He peeked his head in and I nodded "me and Alex are dating." I said happily and she smiled and he did too "okay, just don't have any sex. Or make out. I will know." He slowly backed out and we laughed and giggled at him.

I sighed as I fixed my room up a bit and me and Alex laid down and went into Netflix "what do you wanna watch?" I asked and she shrugged "American Horror Story?" She suggested and I smiled and then we began watching American Horror Story: Freakshow.


I sighed as the last episode ended and I rolled around being weird "you wanna bake cookies?" I asked and she nodded "I love baking!" She exclaimed and I smiled "good, because I have a lot of cookie stuff." I said and she smiled "let's do it." She said and we ran downstairs and made our way to the kitchen.

I opened the pantry "what kind do you want to make?" I asked and she sighed and looked through and settled on the cookies that you have frosting on top and they are really doughey.

"These, I call them crack cookies." She said and I giggled and we got out everything we would need including sprinkles, ball bearings, frosting etc.

We made the cookie dough and she snuck up on me and put dough on my nose and I gasped and giggled and put some on her cheek.

She laughed and took a pinch of flour and threw some at me and we got into a "minor" flour fight and I put some red frosting on her nose and she put frosting on my cheek.

We had been flicking sprinkles at each other. "What the hell guys?!" Ricky walked in and we stopped and stood there like a couple of puppies that got busted. "Why would you do this?" He asked and looked around at the messy scene "without me?!" He exclaimed as he took flour and we all threw a bunch at each other before the oven dinged and Ricky got them out and we split up the cookies evenly so we each had 3 and we decorated them ourselves.

We all made one with our names. I made one with the Motionless In White logo on it and then a regular red one with black sprinkles and ball bearings in the center. I always loved art and baking.

Later that night, I was in the bathroom, bleaching the color out of my hair as Alex sat around in my rooms either watching me or Doctor Who.

I had decided to dye my hair with ombré midnight blue and atomic turquoise.

I had made some bad boy blue highlights and along my fringe as well.

Once I had all my hair with dye in it I sighed and put the extra dye away. "Can you dye my hair too?" Alex came in and asked "what color?" I asked and she shrugged "what do you have?" She asked and I opened the bottom cabinet and she looked through and pulled out the bubblegum pink and hot hot pink.

"Like yours." She said as more of a question and I nodded and let her sit down on the edge of the tub and I got to work with putting the sections into her hair and then put it in her fringe and then I was done putting it in "now we wait." I said and then I set a timer for about 40 minuets and then we sat around my room and talked, watched TV and did whatever came to our minds.

After a bit, we heard my timer go off. I rinsed out my hair first and then she went to do hers.

Afterwards, we blow dried out hair and it looked amazing.

Picture: Cassie's new hair 

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