I'll be fine (Part I)

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I sighed as I took a quick sip of my coffee, finishing it up before the guys got up to get ready for the morning.

I sighed as I suddenly felt a strong pang of nausea in my stomach. I sighed and headed into my bathroom to dig through my little bag of medicine that I always kept on me.

I began digging through the bottles of Tylenol, painkillers, fever pills and I couldn't find the nauzene tablets I had kept.

In the middle of me digging through the bag, I felt it being pushed up my throat.

Ricky's POV

I sighed as I woke up and began to climb out of my bunk as get ready to start the day. Suddenly, I heard a loud bang from the bathroom of the bus, and I heard a retching noise like someone was throwing up.

I instantly ran into the bathroom and saw Cassie bent over the toilet violently vomiting.

I ran to her side and held her hair back for her and rubbed her back.
I then noticed that she was vomiting blood.

"Cassie, oh my god." I said as she seemed to stop for a few seconds.
"I have to get you to a hospital." I said and then violently shook her head.

"N-no. I'll be f-fine." She insisted and it was my turn to shake my head and say no to her.

"Cassie. You're vomiting blood, you need to see a doctor. Stay here." I said and got up to run and get my phone.

"N-no! Ricky." I heard her yelling after me followed by a dry retching.

I found my phone, the others had woke up by now, concerned as to what was happening.

I quickly dialed 911, and waited four someone to pick up the phone, and quickly handed it to Josh, and told him to get an ambulance out here right away.

"Ricky, what's happening?"

"Is Cass okay?"

"What's up?"

I was bombarded with questions as I had slightly shut the bathroom door, as I waited for help to find out what was up with Cassie.

"She's uh.. she's been vomiting blood since I got up. I'm getting her to a hospital to see what's up." I explained and everyone seemed to instantly get more and more worried by the second, Chris sitting by her and keeping her calm and making sure she stayed awake, while I stood outside with Josh as I heard the ambulance getting close.

Cassie's POV

Chris sat next to me and tied my hair back for me. "You're gonna be okay, Cassie. Ricky's getting help." Chris said and I nodded.

"Why is this happening?" I asked my voice dry and scratchy from throwing up all the blood I had.

"I dunno, but we are going to find out and we are going to Make sure you're okay."  Chris said and I heard sirens outside and I began a heavy and dry cough, and I heard footsteps bounding onto the bus, towards me, and Ricky talking to someone.

"Okay, were gonna get her into the ambulance and to the hospital, so we can begin helping her." I heard a female voice I didn't recognize.
"Ma'am are you able to stand and walk?" I heard her ask and I then shook my head as tears were flowing out of my eyes.

"Okay, Scott can out help her to the ambulance?" I heard her voice begin echoing and fading.
"Miss, are you alright?" Her voice began fading out more and more.

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