Ricky, theres a problem

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The next day...
Cassie's POV

I smiled as I drank my coffee.
I was currently sitting in Starbucks waiting for Victoria. This was her last day here and we were going for a walk.

Vinny and the others were at band practice, so I was allowed to borrow Ricky's car for the day.

"Hey. I'm here. The other two insisted they stay with the others at Chris' place." Victoria said as she grabbed her latte and we went to leave.

We were gonna go on a drive around to different shops. "So, what time is your flight?" I stopped the car at a red light. We were on our way to Kingston to check out Josh's shop. Ryan Ashley texted and said she'd be there today.

"I have to be there at 3:30." She said and I nodded and began driving again.

"So are you and Vinny official?" She asked and I smiled.

"We talked to Ricky about it. He's fine with it so yes. We are official." I said and she squealed happily and I smiled at her FanGirl nature.

"Gum?" She asked and I nodded, taking it and popping it into my mouth.

"Here it is." She said and I smiled and parked in the parking lot in the front of the store.

"Here we go." I said and got out of the car and headed into the store.

"Hey girls." Ryan Ashley greeted us and I smiled and said hey. I introduced my cousin, Victoria and we had our three way conversation as we walked around the shop.

I ended up getting a raccoon tail keychain, preserved black widow spider, some patches, and a lizard skeleton.

"See you guys later." Ryan said happily and we both waved as we walked out.

We got back in the car and I began driving home. "Come help me set up some shelves in my room?" I asked and she nodded and we eventually made it home.

"Lets go roll." She said and I smiled and she brought everything upstairs.

I went into the garage and grabbed the shelves I bought. They were simple black shelves.

I also grabbed the paint and paint rollers. I grabbed a jars of the grey and red paint.

I made it upstairs and locked my room. I had moved my things into the spare room, so we could paint the walls.

I had already put tape around the room and I pulled the tops off the paint.

"Walls going grey!" I yelled and she helped me begin painting.

She set up a little beats pill and began playing Break the cycle.
We lightly dance around and painted before we finally finished, and we sat in the middle of the room with fan on the highest speed, to help the drying process.

"Do the floor border is red?" She asked and I nodded.

She helped me tape the floor and we began applying the red paint.
"This has been fun." I said and she nodded and we hugged each other.

"What do you say while these dry, you help me find room decor online?" I asked and she nodded and we ran downstairs to the living room and got on my laptop.

We went online and bought a bunch of decorations within the next hour. I had gone online earlier and ordered new bedsheets and pillow covers.

"Hey we're back!" Vinny exclaimed as him and Ricky ran in.

I closed my laptop and smiled "welcome back. How was practice?" I asked and they smiled and said it went great.

"Hey, Cassie, wanna join me on a drive to the mall?" Vinny asked and I nodded and put my jacket on.

I walked out with him and we got into Ricky's car. He began driving and we were on our way to the mall.

"So what have you and Victoria been up to today?" He asked and I smiled and explained we stopped over at Josh's shop and bought things and were designing my room.

We then pulled into the mall and headed inside.

"Can we stop in Spencer's real quick?" I asked and he nodded. I needed new tunnels, plugs and a bit of jewelry.

I got what I needed while Vinny looked around the store and bought some things for himself.

I bought three new pairs of each, some jewelry, and I got a new SnapBack and beanie.

I payed for everything and also bought a nose ring because I wanted to get my lip pierced. I had talked a lot about it, but never went for it.

I smiled and we soon left the store with our bags and we went to go to different stores in the mall.

"Hey, so I wanted to.." I trailed off and he held my hand as we walked.

"What?" He asked, curiously and turned to see what I was gonna say.

"I wanna get a piercing." I said happily and he smiled and nodded.

"If that's what you wanna do, let's go for it." He said and we made our way back to the car, and began driving again.

Once I got in the car, Vinny's phone began ringing. "It's Rick." He said and answered the phone and began driving.

"Yeah, were just making one last stop." Vinny said and I listened to half the conversation "will do." I smiled. I was so excited to finally get a nose piercing. "Right, bye." He said and went to hang up the phone.

I looked up and saw a truck speeding towards us.

"VINNY!" I screamed and next thing I knew, I heard myself and him screaming, squealing tires, breaking glass and crashing metal.
and then everything went black.

Vinny's POV

I sighed and felt a huge pain in my side. I looked slightly to my right and saw Cassie. She had blood leaking from her nose, lip, arms, and she was up against the dashboard. To top it all off she was unconscious.

"Oh god." I started freaking out. Ricky. I need to call Ricky.

I took my phone out and quickly dialed his number.

I sighed and brushed my hand back through my hair. "What's up?" Ricky answered the phone.

"R-Ricky.. we.. we have a problem." My voice was shaking horribly.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, instantly panicked.

I tried to keep my voice from shaking as I explained the crash and he started freaking out.

He said he's on his way and I already heard sirens in the distance.

I noticed my side was heavily bleeding, and I began growing drowsy and dizzy.

Everything soon went blurry as I saw flashing red white and blue lights, before everything went black.

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