My History (Part I)

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I sighed as I sat in my bunk and stared at the cardboard box before me. I had packed this with me just in case I needed to show them to Ricky, or if I ever told him about what happened.

I want to go through them first, and organize them by  date, so I have all of the history in order and all of my facts in order as well. The letter on top was the first one I ever recieved. I was about 14 or 15 when this came in the mail, and it was scary as the person who sent it knew my birth-given name. I Had to have my name changed at the age of 12 due to being stalked online, and in the real world, which is the reason, I had dyed my hair and began wearing makeup and began losing weight. My birth-given name is not Cassandra. My real name is Katelynn. Here, I'll give you a basic history of what happened since Ricky left to be in Motionless.

I started realizing I was being stalked when I was around 11. I had been seeing this older man around everywhere. He would drive down our street whenever I was outside with a friend or whenever me and my family were in the store, there he was.
Once my dad  got me a computer and phone for my birthday, the same man found my social media. He followed my profiles, commented on all my pictures, and it started getting serious when he ended up actually approaching me in the store one day.
He had asked said I looked adorable, which is the same thing commented on my pictures, actually texted to my phone. My parents were unaware of anything happening and ended up telling this guy that I was shy and my name was Cassie for short. Naturally, my parents are dumb like that. This guy was clearly off in the head, too. He didn't have any hair whatsoever, other than a white mustache and stuble. He was about 6 foot 7, and he looked to be in his late 50s by the looks of it.
After that, he texted me on my phone saying all these things that were not normal things to say to a child. He said I was special, I needed to be taken careful care of, and It wasn't a safe world and to be careful out there. A father would say these things, but for a strange man to text them to a child is very concerning.

One day I was at the park with my father, and he wasn't really watching me. He was on his phone, paying no mind to his child, when this man, once again, approached me. I tried to run off and avoid him, and did that work, no. he then grabbed me and guess who was on the phone with his boss? the same man who wasn't caring about his child being generally KIDNAPPED.

So after this man had dragged me out of the park and thrown me into his car, he made sure I knew I was in danger if I tried anything, and he drove off into the middle of basically nowhere.
That is when he raped me. I did try to kick him, push him or fight back, but it wasn't working and in no way would it work. he was enormous compared to my child figure.

Afterwords, he dumped me off outside my neighborhood, me not realizing there was an Amber Alert out for Katelynn Allen Olson. My parents had been looking for me for about 10 hours now. It was completely dark out, and I was struggling to walk or even stand to get home.

Eventually, my mom found out what happened and there was soon a warrent out for this man's arrest. We didn't want him to find me, so we had my name legally changed to Cassandra Elise Olson, and my mom insisted I dye my hair to look a natural shade of red. I began fixing my makeup and losing weight so I wouldn't be easily recognized, if this man had decided to come back.

After about a year or so later, I received my first letter. On the envelope, there was no name and no return address. the only idea of where it came from were the words Indianapolis

And so, I kept receiving letters up until my last year of Highschool. The last one I received was a week before I had to leave with Ricky. It was an orange envelope with Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy vs Jason along with a letter.


I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you. I've known you since you were in middle school, and I haven't seen you in a while. You may be seeing me again in the future. I am a lot better now, and I hope we can talk. Hope you like the movies. I know you like scary stuff.

Eternally Yours.

There was no name below it to close out the letter. It just said those two words. I had a small idea of who it was from. I never found out for sure, but I did have an ex boyfriend who broke up with me years back because he was bored of me, and he was moving there. Breaking up with me was the nicest thing he's ever done to me. He used to physically, sexually and emotionally abuse me,so it wasn't fun.

He had sent me little gifts over the time too. He would write things about how he still loved me, wanted me back, I could never escape his love, and I was his forever. He even sent me a REAL diamond ring because he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. I'm just glad I haven't seen him in forever. He is actually a psychopath.

"Cass?" I heard someone say my name. At that, I slammed the box shut and jumped at the sound of my name.

"Oh it's just you." I Said with a sigh at the sight of Chris walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, just me. What're you lookin through?" He asked as he opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Vanilla Coke.

"Just some old....memories." I phrased it and he turned his head and came over to sit next to me.

"Mind if I look with you?" He asked and I didn't want to say I minded and it bothered me, because I felt like it would come out pretty bitchy.

"Well.." I trailed, my voice going high pitch and he chuckled.

"Well, if you wanna keep it personal, that's fine, I'll just let you-" he started, and I interrupted, shaking me head.

"No, it's fine there's just a huge, long and sad story behind everything in this box."

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