Make amends

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I sighed as I sat down in my room, Vinny sitting next to me. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked and I nodded.

"You go make popcorn and I'll find blankets and stuff." I said happily and he nodded and made his way to the kitchen.

I went into my room, and the hall closets. I managed to get my blanket, a nightmare before Christmas blanket and a dark red blanket.

I had also gathered a bunch of pillows, so we could so on the floor comfortably. "I'm done." I said and dropped the things onto the floor and he set the bowl of popcorn on the couch before we moved the table out of the way.

We set up the pillows like a mattress and laid the quilt out and then curled up in blankets and he grabbed the popcorn and we went into Netflix to look for a movie.

"Final Destination?" He asked and I nodded happily and we played the movie. Throughout the movie, we ended up cuddling, eating all the popcorn, me hiding from some of the movie, and jumping slightly ever so often.

We soon finished the movie and he turned the TV back and The Office was on.

We let the office play and I cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. "Don't worry about your cousins. I won't let them hurt you anymore." He said softly and ran his fingers through my hair.

I buried my face in his chest and smiled as I slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Vinny's POV

After a few minuets I felt her relax and I knew she was then asleep. Knowing what her cousins were now capable of, I wasn't gonna leave her alone.

I held her protectively and put my chin on her head before closing my eyes and falling asleep as well.

***Time Skip!***

"Do you think they're a thing?"
"They have to be."
"He protects her."
"Might as well be."

I heard three different voices as I slowly woke up. First I noticed I was on the floor. Second, Cassie was in my arms, and then I decided to see who was talking.

"He's awake." It was Chris Ricky and Victoria.

"So are you?" Ricky asked and I sighed and turned my head.

"am I what?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, as if I had no idea what he was talking about, which I honestly think I did.

"Dating my sister. Are you?" He asked and I shook my head and he got up and walked inside.

"You seem like you guys are a couple." Victoria commented and I sighed and shook my head before getting up and walking inside.

"I'm getting coffee." I said and made sure Chris stayed with Victoria.

I grabbed coffee and secretly listened in on whatever the two were talking about.

"So why did you do it then?" I heard Chris quietly ask. He must be asking about her beating up Cassie.

"I dunno.. it's not that I don't care or I don't like her.. she's family and I do.. even if it seems like I don't I just.. I felt better than someone for once." She explained and I sighed. So that's why she beat her up.

"But the other two? Do they.." Chris. Trailed and she chimed in.

"Yeah. They were just copying me. They always have. They thought that I knew her as a freak so that's what they called her... they really didn't know any better." She continued explaining and I actually began feeling bad, but still. What they did wasn't cool.

"Hey Rick." I said and stood behind a counter with him.

"What's up?" He asked and I pulled out my phone "I want you to believe her.. Cassie." I said when he turned his head.

"About our cousins? They wouldn't harm her though." He still didn't believe. Even me. I had to do this. He deserved to know.

"I want you to see this video."

Cassie's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and noticed I was in my room. Someone must've carried me up last night.

I sighed and saw Victoria, Lilly and Gavin sitting at the end of my bed. I felt instant fear "Hey." I said and got up to go to my closet.

In response, I got a series of HI's and Hey's.

"What? No calling me a freak? Tripping me as I got up? Kicking me?" I asked and Victoria sighed and stood up.

"Look, Cassie. We're really sorry about everything. I'm the one who started it because I was jealous of you." Victoria explained and I sighed.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded and opened her arms which I hesitantly accepted and we ended up in a group hug.

"I mean it's not like we could hate each other forever.. we're family." Lilly said and I nodded and smiled.

"I really like that tattoo." Gavin poked my thigh and I smiled "You guys wanna go to the mall?" I asked and they nodded and I had them go get ready and I changed into black shorts, a white camisole and an Attack On Titan scout regiment hoodie.

I laced up combat boots and tied my hair back into a ponytail.
"Ready to go?" I ran downstairs and saw my cousins and they nodded.

"Who wants to come to the mall with us?!" I exclaimed and Vinny and Chris agreed to tag along.

"So you guys all good now?" Chris asked and we nodded "we let bygones be bygones." Gavin said and we all hopped in the backseat with Chris driving and Vinny in the passenger seat.

"You guys like Linkin Park?" Chris asked and I nodded and the others cheered happily.

Next thing you know, we are all in the car yelling the lyrics to One Step Closer.

I'm happy me and my cousins finally made amends. It felt like it was worth it and it felt good.

**Time Skip**

"So.. do you have a boyfriend?" Victoria asked as we strayed from the others and went into Aeropostale.

"Well... not really." I said and Lilly and Victoria gasped and looked at each other and back to me.

"But you like one of them, right? You and Vinny are close." Lilly said and I sighed.

"yeah I suppose we are.. and Vinny's nice and all.." I did and they interrupted me at that thought.

"You should make a move! I'm positive he likes you. Just the way he looks at you." Victoria confirmed and I sighed and gave it a thought.

"Yeah.. I suppose I could give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen?"

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